Recently, I became aware of something I can do for my prostate without taking prescription drugs; and as a bonus have orgasms. I tried two products by other companies that vibrated. They only made me sore from 2 to 3 hour sessions during a ten day period. Then I thought I would a Helix Syn Trident. I had my first session last night from 10 till 1230; not much happen and I fell asleep; woke at 3 with the trident...

Hi guys, Saturday morning I ate some tainted ground beef that made me violently sick overnight Saturday and all day Sunday. I suspected that I suffered a case of food poisoning. My body reacted with bouts of vomiting and diarrhea throughout the night. I was glad when dawn arrived. But I suffered runs of diarrhea throughout Sunday. Sunday evening near sunset I went to my neighborhood 7 Eleven to get medicine to put a prompt end to the diarrhea and fast...

Honestly I can say I have been a serious user of the Aneros products for several years and still struggle to forget about my Penis during my sessions, and to not have expectations of orgasmic bliss. Early in my experiences I struggled complete a session without grabbing my penis and giving it some good old jacking fun. I struggled with expecting some amazing crazy full bodied orgasm only to end up blowing my load all over my naked body. Focus...

I started this adventure in 2008 Did not go well for me first five years and threw 2 devices away, However i kept getting called back. I think it is official that the last three years have been worth the wait. The last 6 months have been my most rewarding. I now have the time and the patience to relax and enjoy and have learned so many things along the way good and bad. My typical session now is 45...

Hi guys, I arose this morning super horny for an Aneros session after a night of off and on diddling while wearing my BIKE CUP. In fact, my sweet spot at the base of my scrotum, which is my perineum, was clamoring for one. I had a hankering to begin my session with my trusty Maximus Classic which I rode a good twenty minutes on top of my bed covers with a towel underneath. Then I rode Helix Syn Classic in...

Greetings aneros community. I've been wanting to tell 'someone' about the revolution I'm experiencing. I'm a mid 60's straight dude who's been enjoying the most amazing adventure for the past few months. I’m PO/MMO experienced & enjoy great muscle control so I’m now getting MMO’s and SO’s most every session. I’ve reached point that I was looking for an ‘advanced’ forum. This looks like the closest way available to communicate with like minded/experienced aneros users. I've been experimenting...

I marvel everytime at the intense pleasure one little organ can generate. It is a magical amount of exquisite pleasure. So yesterday I woke up and got my haircut. Ran a few errands, cleaned up the house and then when all was said and done crashed on the couch. My buddy in my butt started to tingle a little. So I went and got the helix syn trident and stuck it in. Wasnt too long before the waves started to...

Hi guys, This morning in the 7 o'clock hour I had a leisurely Aneros session first with Maximus Classic and then with Helix Syn Classic. Maximus Classic worked me over for about 30 minutes. I laid on my customary position on my bed, prompted up on pillows, my butt on a couple seat cushions which were covered on a towel. This how I conducted my session from the beginning in early June 2012 until March of this year when I switched...

I had my first A-less without nipple play this morning; intensity is very low. If it was not for pressure applied to my perineum (with my heel), sensations would be null. I'm determined to change that and continue without nipple influence....

In the last 18 months or so, I have been very successful in developing my nipple play to the point of generating instant and extremely rewarding sensation in my genital and prostate areas.  I seldom have an Aneros or Aless session without diddling my nipples.  The pleasures from such diddling is beyond belief even if I never achieved the Super-O level. Now, I'm seriously thinking that this great success of mine could also be my downfall.  I'm at the point where...

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