This morning, I sat down without much intention to do anything. My thoughts strayed to things sexual and involuntary PC muscle contractions started almost immediately. This is unusual for me since to get involuntaries, I usually need to tighten down on my PC muscles a little. My sessions often start with p-waves without contractions. Anyways, I rode these contractions for about 1/2 hour and had several very nice dry-o's with a background level of pleasure that was really enjoyable. If I...

I think I've reached a bit of a plateau. Over the last few weeks, it seems like I haven't made much progress. The sessions have been pleasurable but not mind-blowing. Prior to this, it seemed like every session was a little better than the last. I'm not overly worried about it as I find it hard to be disappointed with my overall progress with KSMO. However, if anyone has any suggestions, lay them on me. I "expect" that the appropriate...

Time to p-waves: 30 seconds Time to dry-o's: around 5 minutes Followed by about 10 minutes of dry-o's of varying intensity, some very intense. I wouldn't qualify any as super though. Note that I didn't make a sound, didn't think of making a sound, no special breathing, nothing. Just looked at a few erotic pictures and was off to the races. I've stopped for now as I want to see what my body will do after a break. I also have some things to...

Session #1: So, last night, after not having ejaculated for a few days, I decided to have a nice, regular old wank. As I started stroking myself, I immediately felt something like p-waves. I've felt this before in the shower but this time, they were a bit more intense. I proceeded to stroke myself and tried to "redirect" the feelings away from the normal ejaculatory path to the path I take with KSMO. I tried to do this just by focusing...

I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I'd post an update. This morning, I decided to give my helix another try. It was a pretty typical aneros session for me: felt good but nothing as intense as my KSMO sessions. I did enjoy it though. I prepped with a lube injection and put it in. I then laid on my side and completely relaxed. I guess I'd say I felt something approaching a dry-o. After about 45 minutes,...

Aneros is like an engin, lock load ready and SHIT IT OUT, like burning fireball up your asshole, shit it out, you Will come bettah! Aneros gets things running but IMHO Im a minimalist, as soon as it starts things off it's Aneros>exit! Then the ride really starts...

Of all the Super O's I have I wouldn't say this one was the best, but I think it will be one of the most memorable as this was the first time I combined different parts on the tantric wheel to really have a full experience. As explained on DTM's blog I've been experimenting a lot recently with a 4 sec KSMO and been trying to combine it with theory from Mantak Chia's "orgasmic man" this probably coloured my Aneros...

I started about 7:30 and went uninterrupted till about 11:30. I had many orgasms of varying intensity. Towards the end of the session, I experimented with tightening my PC muscles slightly. I've done this before. In fact, it was while doing this that I had my first super-o. Lately though, I've been focusing on keeping my PC muscle very relaxed as this seems to generate the most intense feelings. Anyways, today I decided to hold a very slight contraction for an...

To quote Jerry Lee Lewis, [I]"Whooowee Baby, There's a whole lot of shakin' goin' on!"[/I] ...

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