• into synthesis

    Aneros is like an engin, lock load ready and SHIT IT OUT, like burning fireball up your asshole, shit it out, you Will come bettah!
    Aneros gets things running but IMHO Im a minimalist, as soon as it starts things off it's Aneros>exit!
    Then the ride really starts

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/03/2010at11:10 am

      To reiterate: The Aneros is just to get the orgasm machine started….Once youre in the Ozone the Aneros becomes superfluous.
      I used to think this was a good idea, a special Aneros chair, now I know this is complete bullshit…. Get the engine going then shit it out as soon as you can. Then orgasm in positions that would be painful or uncomfortable with an Aneros in. From this perspective I think cutting the tail off is bs as well.
      (I fucked up my Helix this way, perhaps I'll buy another in the future)

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