• instant response

    Time to p-waves: 30 seconds
    Time to dry-o's: around 5 minutes
    Followed by about 10 minutes of dry-o's of varying intensity, some very intense. I wouldn't qualify any as super though.
    Note that I didn't make a sound, didn't think of making a sound, no special breathing, nothing. Just looked at a few erotic pictures and was off to the races.
    I've stopped for now as I want to see what my body will do after a break. I also have some things to do.
    It's amazing how responsive my body is getting. It does seem like I can get things going very quickly but the intensity peaks after a while and I can't get it to go any further. The good news is that this peak seems to be moving higher and higher as I practice more.


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/10/2010at4:09 pm

      So to clarify….when was the last time you made the ks(or any internal representation of it)? And you didn't make the motion ('valley breathing')either?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/10/2010at4:53 pm

      I think this was the first session where I didn't make any sounds or special breathing motions. Honestly, in earlier sessions, I probably didn't need the sound but did it anyways, thinking it might help. But, in this session, I decided not to do anything but focus my mind on the feelings.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/11/2010at9:10 am

      It could still be echo effects. Others speak of maintenance, so it'll certainly be interesting how things progress.
      Perhaps you've anchored looking at erotic picture with the orgasmic response 🙂
      Just for the record, you don't do anything not even subtle contraction of pc or anal musles?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/11/2010at6:10 pm

      Echo effects…I'm not sure. Perhaps. I admit I haven't gone more than a couple of days without doing anything so if echo effects can last this long, then maybe this is what's going on.
      As for contractions, I promise you, I did none…not even subtle ones :-). I occasionally get contractions but they are entirely involuntary.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/11/2010at9:05 pm

      Oh, one more thing…
      I can get this immediate response without pictures although it take more focus. However, I do admit that it seems like my response to erotic images has shifted a bit from erection to p-waves.

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