• A phenomenal day

    I started about 7:30 and went uninterrupted till about 11:30. I had many orgasms of varying intensity. Towards the end of the session, I experimented with tightening my PC muscles slightly. I've done this before. In fact, it was while doing this that I had my first super-o. Lately though, I've been focusing on keeping my PC muscle very relaxed as this seems to generate the most intense feelings.
    Anyways, today I decided to hold a very slight contraction for an extended period of time to see what happened. Almost immediately, involuntary contractions started. I kept them going for maybe 45 minutes or so. I had countless orgasms, some of which were very intense (super?). At times the contractions would blend together and feel really really good. Around 11:30, I decided to take a break.
    The most amazing part of this experience is that, right now, I am able to call up p-waves and orgasms pretty much at will. All it takes is a minute or two of concentration and they happen. I've been doing this off and on since around noon (it's now 4pm). It's been glorious. In fact, I'm having little mini-o's right now. I've somehow managed to put myself in a state where my body is poised and ready and it takes almost no effort to get things going again. What's even cooler is that it's all completely under my control. In the past, I've been in states where orgasms come and I can't really control them. The fact that I can turn them on and off so consciously is a bit of a new experience.
    I also had an interesting experience in the shower. After several hours of pleasure, I decided I should probably take a shower (hadn't showered yet). While in the shower, I started to stroke myself. While I was doing this and getting an erection, I had several dry-o's (no contractions, just an intense build-up of orgasmic feelings). If I had continued, I would have ejaculated. But, I stopped prior to doing so. This was the first time that I had such intense orgasmic feelings while stimulating myself. I wonder if this is an indication of what's to come?


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/27/2010at9:52 pm

      Onward ever onward O DTM!!!
      You are on the threshold of Adept level orgasmic energetics. At will, anytime, it is an unbelievable lifetime gift as I sense you now sensing. As you adjust and become fully natural with this capability, there are more new possibilities.
      Enjoy this fabulous transition Oh Speedy One.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      05/28/2010at12:31 am

      Thanks Artform. While I admit that today was really enjoyable, I also have to admit that I am completely wiped out from it. So many orgasms really drained me. What's odd is that desire is still present though. I could start things up again pretty easily. But, I am choosing not to because I know my body needs rest. It's tough though :-).

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