Just wanting to document some things. After about 6 sessions my body is getting accustomed to the aneros. I'm not completely there, but I can begin to sense the novelty wearing off. My intent is to do my meditation every day. I figure I should be past all novelty in three or four weeks. (Maybe a little longer.) I'm holding the musical instrument analogy. My pelvic muscles (I'm still not sure what to call the complex of muscles and nerves that I'm...

The dark of winter means getting an early start on evening activities. I was up to bed at about 8:30, while my wife stayed up watching TV. I decided to try my evening routine with the aneros in. I wanted to do some "scales." That is, rather than focus on the pleasure and the rewiring, just to have the thing in me and practice with it. My focus is mainly on the anal set of muscles. I'm just beginning to have conscious...

The journey continues. Early in my practice as I am, I'm beginning to establish a routine. I let my wife know I'm going to meditate. She is invited to witness, participate, whatever. I shower and use the anal syringe. Generally clean up. Lay down the towel, etc. I'm going to stop describing that part. I paid attention to someone (I really should know who) who said to think of the aneros as a pacifier. I did that for a while, and...

Thought I posted yesterday, but I don't see it. Just a quick note to document the process. This being my fourth session, I'm getting better at inserting and getting started. Having a routine helps. I was able to breathe and relax and not bother doing anything except pay attention. More later....

I studied the Aneros store today, and found myself realizing I wanted to try some different models. They had a special on both the Helix and Eupho for $120. A week ago I would have told you it's crazy to spend that kind of money on a piece of plastic. Three sessions with the MGX changed my mind. I told my wife how happy I am with the purchase, and let her know I was apt to buy the other models....

First I'll let you know that I'm a newby with aneros. I just had my third session today. But I do have 18 months experience doing a Tantra like exercise 30 minutes every day. My focus in those meditations was the PC muscle, but I think my idea would apply to the anal muscles as well. When I started I had very little stamina or strength in contracting my PC muscle. Over the months I gained strength and was able to...

I could get addicted to this thing. I'm glad I set an alarm. I'll definitely want to do some long sessions, but I have to fit them into my work and family schedule. About 1:15, wife left to grocery shop, I let her know I was going to meditate with the aneros, and offered to wait for her. She said no, but that she wanted to be there in the future. I set the alarm for 38 minutes, lubed, inserted, and lay...

Last night I had a private chat with another user. I didn't start with the intention of turning it erotic, but it ended up going in this direction. It was an amazing experience. I spent at least 1/2 hour having orgasm after orgasm. We finished about 2:30am my time. I then laid down to try to get some sleep and continued to have uncontrollable mini-o's and strong pwaves until about 4am. I couldn't take it anymore and stroked myself to...

It arrived about 2:30. I had decided to run to the drug store and check out other lubricants and get a rectal syringe. I didn't see any lubes that I liked the looks of. I had read in the forums about the problems with glycerin, and they all had it. My Astro Glide is the glycerin free stuff, so I chose to use it. I got in the shower, washed and tried to use the syringe. I guess I squirted some...

USPS tracking says it's out for delivery. My wife has just left to run some errands, meaning that I will have some time alone. I'm thinking of running out to the drug store for a syringe for lube and maybe an enema kit. I think I'll use the Astro Glide that we already have. Maybe another quick check on the forums in case people are strongly against it. I hope this isn't one of those days that the mail comes at...

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