I have just heard that my wife is going out this evening for at least 3 hours. It seems a shame to waste that time of peace and quiet. Perhaps I had better line up a session!!...

[B]Lube: Baby Oil Gel[/B] Although the baby oil gel (main component: liquid paraffin) kept me lubricated longer than any other lube I've tried, it is awful to clean off. Getting it off the skin is difficult; getting it off the toys was even more difficult. I had to resort to an ultrasonic cleaner and washing up liquid. I started out with the Maximus and after several hours switched to the Helix. Both provided good sensations. Very pleasant session, with as much arousal as...

Ok, first, some catching up to do since the last time I blogged. First, I've had in total about 6 session since I last posted here. The first three were good, but endlessly frustrating. They got that way because they were too good. Or, too good without any release or "payday". It got so bad I had to take matters into my own hand after one session; that's something I try very hard not to...

Lube: water/propylene glycol, vaseline on the Maximus I did the usual routine of "do nothing" for 45 minutes: just belly breathing and relaxing, and letting things happen. Got a mini-O within about ten minutes. It plateaued. I kept mental focus on any sensations the prostate area and around the 30-40 minute mark got a second, bigger, mini-O. (I don't keep precise records of the time -- that would spoil things.) This didn't build further, but left me with a very strong feeling...

The postman was later than normal today, but he came with my Helix. It did not take long for me to unwrap the package and get my new toy out! At first the only difference between the Helix and my MGX seemed to be the Dime-style perineum tab. Then I notices the stem was not ribbed. So I lubed up and began my session. No problem with the larger head. In fact it slid in just as easily as the MGX....

Lube: Grapeseed oil only. Started with no sensations and took 45 minutes to build to a mini-O which built to another mini-O. Added some nipple stimulation which caused a huge amount of arousal. Ended almost painfully aroused but with no relief coming. NB. penis was not invited in on the stimulation. After the session had lasted an hour, I removed the Maximus, evacuated the oil from my bowels, and lay down again. There was a very nice afterglow. Gradually, a tickle like...

Having been away last week, I had a session on Sunday that turned out to be a dud. This morning I had a very pleasant time while my wife went out shopping. (I must add that it was not her being out that was pleasant!!) I do find though I am getting frustrated by the marvellous pleasure from using my Aneros, but not getting as far as any form of O. It was because of this that I succumbed to...

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