Hello everyone. Let me introduce myself. I go by the alias Golf_Guru. I'm a recent college graduate that works in the golf industry. I am also actively pursuing my PGA certifications to become a professional golf instructor. I came across this site when my girlfriend was searching for things to spice up the bedroom. She was looking for something for her and originally showed me this site as a bit of a joke. We had a little...

Hi guys, Last week I had a fourth Aneros session on Saturday at 3 p.m. This session began a good thirty hours after the Friday morning session which ended around 9 a.m. My Saturday afternoon session was a good, solid one during which I worked with the Maximus and both the Progasm Classic and Ice models. Not only were my prostate and anal canal well massaged, but it felt like I had a weight training session in that the muscles in...

Hi guys, I think for now on I will not be as detailed in my blog postings except when something noteworthy with the Aneros takes place. Early Wednesday morning, I had a scheduled Aneros session. First I began with the Progasm Classic. He slipped in fairly easily. We had a fairly good session that lasted perhaps a good twenty minutes. Then I slipped over to the Maximus which delivered me a really good prostate and anal canal massage which lasted a good...

Hi guys, These days I am really getting into the Aneros big time with the heavy artillery of the Progasm Classic, Maximus, and Progasm Ice! I am finally blogging about my two sessions which I had with these models first early last Friday morning on October 5 and then this morning. I feel so sexy right now because my well massaged prostate feels like a revved up high octane V8 engine right now! Friday morning I began with the Progasm Classic. He...

Hi guys, Every Aneros session is special and unique to me, and yet, from most of my sessions, I have detected very recently a steady progression towards ease of use of the various Aneros models I have in my collection and also towards absolute Aneros bliss and realization that might be found in the Super-O and other Aneros blessings! Yesterday first thing in the morning I had a session with my good buddies, the Progasm Classic, Maximus, and Helix Syn once again....

Hi guys, I am really enjoying having Aneros sessions first thing in the morning right after breakfast, bathing, shaving, and other preparations. Most days I wake up fully rested and relaxed. Such a schedule has enhanced my Aneros session many fold. So for now on, when I do not have any pressing business to transact, I will have my Aneros sessions first thing in the morning. This morning, I began with the Progasm. I spent perhaps five to ten minutes with my...

Over the years, especially since getting my apartment here in Georgetown, I have found Saturdays to be the best time for sexual explorations. So this morning, Saturday, I rose around 5:30 a.m. I hopped on the Internet and had my breakfast with coffee. While having my breakfast, I spent maybe a good 30 minutes Kegeling and bating to some gay pornographic stories on nifty.org to prime myself for the session. This morning, I began with the Progasm. I spent a...

So during last night's Aneros session, I was feeling experimental. I started with the Progasm, and found that even though I could get slow and gentle involuntary contractions with it. But I had to relax much more than the smaller models to get this going. It was nice feeling, but nothing special. Then switched to the Eupho after a while. I was also able to get slow and gentle involuntaries from this one to. And I could really feel the...

It's a quiet afternoon for a change; and, I'm sitting in my office chair --- leaning a bit forward typing this entry. I've just taken a deep full-belly breath, let it out, and meditate upon the joyful radiations and tinglings moving outward from behind my sac, into my scrotum, balls and up through my shaft to the very tip of my foreskin. You would think that after 3 years now, such an experience would become boring or at...

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