Hi guys. As I type this waves is running through my body with out a device inside me. I have not had a progasm or helix syn ride in 2 weeks. I have been getting p waves constantly through out the day. At work, home just relaxing even on the toilet. I took this break cause my last ride with my prgasm ice hurt my rectum and made it sore. I rode for 7 hours and was sitting on it. I...

Being this is my first entry, I'm starting with an introduction. I purchased my first aneros product about 8 months ago. I had been having a increasing interest in anal play after discovering how amazing it could feel. My first model was a progasm. I must say it was definitely a little bit of a jump to just start out with this, but my body adjusted accordingly. Within the first couple of weeks I had what...

I was up til the wee hours chit-chattering my brains out with the most silly nonsense with dj and brine, the after-hours club. I finally closed the lid of my laptop thinking I would go to sleep. I was curious about how my body would respond to the severely modified MGX, no p-tab or handle ring. And how the Tantric prana exercises which I learned yesterday would affect me. So I played with moving energy around with no-touch, and with...

My wife came home before the helix sym came. I went to bed to catch some z's before she came upstairs. Still don't have the helix in my hands. But, I just had a full-blown star-spangled peridise Super O. Four peaks, three convulsions, and my prostate feels swollen like a plum. The odd part was that all of my peridise boys were in their case, and none were in my butt. Well, I'm up now, and I'll...

Pardon the unoriginal if descriptive title. If I think too much it gets stale. Again these are my impressions from last night, less a session than just me, my life. I've decided that although my last blog entry wasn't perfectly what I might want, I don't care, this is mostly for me. Again with the calm seas with one something in the middle, a kind of combination yawn, stretch, gasp, sigh, and mini O. What is it? But the real action...

I have often Heard it said some of the best conversations are with yourself. I have learned some of the possible side effects that can occur when you rewire. Some of those things have made me reevaluate whether the benefits truly outweigh the side effects. I was looking for answers last night on the chat but no one was around to bounce ideas off of. So I had that conversation with myself I feel like the week off may have hurt...

[11:04:43] artform: By awakening our prostates, we are awakening the energies that power our regular ejaculatory orgasms, and we learn to separate those dry energetic Responses from the wet orgasms Response. That separation of those two elements of regular sexual orgasms is the great key and great gift from the aneros practice. [11:04:48] djblackknight: It's my body telling me it's fun time [11:05:11] artform: could be indeed, most likely!! [11:05:42] djblackknight: O wow [11:05:42] artform: Could you take a bit of time and have...

Wow, I can now say I love the peridise. I have been using the peridise for normally 2 hour sessions lately, until last night. I decided I wanted to try overnight and see what happens. While my intentions were to have it in for sex with the wife, which didn't happen, I ended up with great surprise from the peridise instead. About 10pm I took a nice hot shower. Before I got in I made sure to clean out the back...

Rather than describe what I did and felt, I'd like to describe what I was thinking and feeling during this session. I didn't have the time for a lengthy session but had vivid impressions that I want to put down while they're fresh. After settling my body in with the progasm, I listened to Brine's 2nd recording again, comparing meditatively what he was describing and what I was going through, trying to follow his trail as far as I could. I...

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