This is an excerpt from my novel. It is partial truth and partial fantasy. I put it here in response to several guys asking me about the novel. This excerpt is homoerotic the novel is mixed m-m, m-f-m, and m-f. Enjoy and tell me what you think. Ling So the day finally arrived. It is a significant drive to Virginia for me. During the entire trip my cock was erect and drooling as I thought that...

Once lubed and inserted. A few minutes to get adjusted. Then a blowjob. It is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced!!! If nothing else comes from my purchase of the Vice, I will still be 100% satisfied...

Happy Sunday everyone. Hope everyone is having a blessed and good day. So I decided to ride my Progasm Ice to sleep. I have been having back troubles and thought it would calm me and give me nice p waves that will subtle my back and make me feel all better. So I prepped for my ride and slide him in an went off to la la land. As I'm laying on my left side with one leg bent and one...

Nice session this afternoon. Started with a great bj with me on top. Then moved to a nice tongue and fingers on her to a very nice orgasm. 2 more orgasms with the rabbit led straight to fucking. Deep plunges into a very wet pussy. She slid the rabbit between us while we were fucking and that added nice sensations for both of us.She may have had another orgasm at that point, not sure. Literally sweating we stop and I use...

Experimented with using the condom this morning. It works well and feels very different.Lube the outside of the condom and lube the device. Insert the lubed condom first. I used my Rocks Off Naughty Boy to do it. Hooked the neck of the condom on the P tab.Allows much more movement and clean up is a breeze....

I've been thinking about how I came out as gay at 32 years old recently. I noticed in chat how straight people don't understand what an earth shaking event it is to initially acknowledge yourself as gay. Some people come out early and some later but is it always a big change in how we think of ourselves. I cam out after 32 years of being afraid of that side of me that is sexually and emotionally attrracted to other...

March 26, 2014 On the road 500 miles from home. I love being home, I am a home body. But I also love being on the road which allows me to exercise the erotic aspect of my personality more freely and more vocally. I had been in meetings all day yesterday … it was an intense day. I wound up back in my hotel relatively early at 4:30 PM which was unanticipated. I have a favorite Chinese restaurant...

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