• AneroSex

    One day, this happened…it was quite unexpected.
    My hubby had already started his session without me (which I have NO problems with). I had no clue he was deep into his session when he called me into the bedroom. When I walked in, I knew immediately what he wanted just from the look in his eyes. He looked to be in a totally relaxed bliss, "Yes, honey?" "wanna join me, or at least help me along?" he implored, his voice husky from arousal. There is no way I could reject that kind of seduction on his part (even though I know he wasnt really trying). I knelt next to him on the bed. He was lying on his back, with his knees bent, looking up at me through what seemed to be a deep haze. "What would you like for me to do?" I asked him wondering where to start, as he knows what he wants/needs at the moment. "Touch me, run your fingers down my chest." I complied, williingly stroking from his nipples to his belly button. As I was relishing in the feeling of his muscles, I noticed his breath become deeper and slower. I let me hands meander in circles all over his belly down his happy trail. I can hear him being to moan. I stay in that spot for a while noticing his cock growing. I love watching that…when I glanced up to his eyes they were closed, his breathing even deeper. I wanted to wrap my lips around so badly but thats not what I was there for. So instead I stroked hi scrotum down to his perineum with feather light pressure. I lay down between his legs to get a closer look at the action, placing sweet soft kisses all over his scrotum. His cock starts to twitch. I slid my wet, soft, warm tongue slowly over his sesitive perinium. Shivers moved through his body. By now I'm dripping we anticipating what I might get later. 'I must concentrate' I chanted repeatedly to myself, this (at least this part) was more for him than me. I continued to nuzzle him with my nose and mouth, then began to run my fingers up and down the backs of his thighs. I heard his breath catch, "Breathe baby…" I purred to him against his scrotum and perinium. He swung one of his legs over my head turning onto his side. I took that opportunity to continue to caress from the back of his knees up his legs to his ass, and back down again. His moaning had become insistant unyeilding. The sound of his voice mixed with the lingering taste of him on my tongue and my heightening arousal was steering me precariously close to the edge of a steep cliff. It seemed as if my senses were elevated, looking at him (and what a great visual that was), it seemed as if my vision became clearer. It was like I could see or at least sense what he wanted. So I started almost tickling his side along his ribs but with a little more pressure. The frequency of his breathing sped up several notches. After a few minutes I moved to his back caressing him gingerly. I decided to lay down behind him and spoon with him. I reached around and pinched his nipple, while pressing my achingly hard nipples against his back. I could feel his warmth penetrating me and I really focused on our closeness. The next thing I know he turned to face me to kiss me deeply. He pulled me on top of him, then sat up with me in his lap. "Hold on." he said, before I could gather my bearings my legs are wrapped around his waist. He stood up, and in seconds my back is against the nearest wall. He began kissing me again and slid into me breath takingly slow. Of course he stroked me for all I was worth. I kind of lost track of space and time as usual because I can't focus on much when he is inside me but him. I do remember in the middle thinking oh shit the progasm is still in!!! Long after my legs were shaking, and my back was aching he finally came. It was vastly different. It seemed as if his cock pulsed about twice as much as any normal time we have sex. He didn't immediately go flaccid immediately after ejaculation. Then the most surprising was when my feet finally hit the floor, and his manhood slipped from my womanly grip his cum dripped from me coating my inner thighs and running down both of my legs. I have never seen him cum that much. Just for the copious amounts of cum the aneros' devices we have are definately staying…and I'll probably be adding to the arsenal.
    I see how guys get addicted to this…more sessions to come!!!


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/30/2014at3:37 pm

      Deva. Thanks for your blog post from a womans perspective of sending her man into orbit. You husband is one blessed dude for choosing you as his wife, and you, in your attitude of pleasuring him to his maximum capacity, honor the most important aspect of being a man….and that is his total sexuality.
      Keep posting. Your posts of pleasing your man are much appreciated…and sadly, I would think, that so few women understand that mindblowingly pleasing a man is the way to his total happiness and contentment. I applaud you. I am sure your husband returns your generosity to you abundantly in the marriage bed.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2014at1:15 am

      Wonderful, Deva!!
      Thanks for sharing your hot story.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/31/2014at3:52 pm

      Thanks for sharing! And kudos to you for focusing on him during the first part of your session. Wishing you both many more earth-shakingly happy moments!

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