I have been wondering how 'newcomers' could move faster towards achieving a 'Super O'. I now use a variation of the method that I have described above and find that I can now provoke a 'Super O' within a very short while of inserting my Aneros. I recently returned to my MGX and it was after inserting it that I discovered how I could bring about this swift success. Success that persists too (3 sessions so far)...

Just to record that I think the idea of creating a blog is really worthwhile. The context of the Forum is great for everyone to share advice and offer response but most often I just want to record where I am so that others and I can share progress. So for my first blog I have (unusually!) little to say but I can share my experience of my latest session when after (in previous sessions) returning to my MGX...

Hello All, We've had requests from a few forum members (thank you Buster) for a journal-style feature on the website, so here it is -- the Aneros Blogs. Using the "find other posts by this user" feature to look back at old posts throughout the forum, it's really to neat to see an Aneros user steadily learn new things about himself as he makes progress towards the Super-O. Take st0rmraven for example. The Blogs make seeing this progress easy. We've tried...

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