tried again next day--now know how to do an anal contraction, a rectal contraction and a pc contraction--when i do the pc contraction it feels like i am tapping my prostate with the progasm--so now i know how to move the progasm up and down and how to "tap" with the pc group--nothing happens when i try to hold contractions to start spasms in my anal muscle group ...

well the next day i gave it another try--spent most of my time relaxing with nothing happening and then contracting and holding it and waiting for something to happen--nothing happened--decided i was contracting too much so tried holding a lesser contraction --spent most of my time trying to sort out the various muscle groups so i would know what i was doing--thought i felt some funny flutters down in my feet and ankles but who knows? ...

i am a 64 year old male with everything in working order--i was reading the web about the male g spot when i came across the name of aneros--well, all i can say is that reading the posts and threads, etc i ordered the mgx--while waiting for its arrival i was in a sex shop and asked if they had any aneros massagers--i wanted the helix but all they had was the progasm, and at a good price--i thought about...

I use my MGX for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperlasia) therapy when I need relief from the narrowing and urgency as baseline Aneros use. Rewiring and exploring the sensations and orgasm levels through Aneros use have been quite a ride through 2007. I added KSMO (Key Sound Multiple Orgasms) quite soon after starting with Aneros. The two methods together unleashed a lot of energy flows and mrs. artfom and I have had some wonderful times with all this. Early here in the Aneros...

I had two sessions this morning. Prior to the first session, I took some Avena Sativa, L-Theanine, and ate a small piece of dark chocolate, which one of the forum members recommended to increase the intensity of the experience. The first, shorter session, was so-so. It was pleasureable, but was only a portent of what was to come. I gave it about an hour and a half rest and then started up again. This time, it built up to a high...

Spent a lovely hour and a half with mistress Aneros. I started out with the Progasm. It was easier to insert today and less painful. I started out with it to try to avoid any more tenderness the MGX might contribute. Again, my impression of the Progasm is that it really fills you up. It doesn't move much, but seems to work on the prostate more. I suspect that if it moved more (and perhaps it will as as I...

A cautionary entry: don't push it too hard. This entry is for yesterday as I had not had an opportunity to update the blog before now. As I recounted in my last post, I had received the Progasm that day. As they say, "boys with their toys" -- I just had to try it, again. Alas, my poor butthole protested . I did manage to get the Progasm in, but could only tolerate it for a short session. So we have...

Well I will say that I have been pleased with what aneros has bestowed upon me. I have had the chance on several occasions to start with the Helix, and work with it for an hour or so, achiving, great shutters in my body, very heavy breathing, pleasure definately, but nothing that "feels" like a penile orgasm. Have I missed the point here? I do love the feelings I get, (even though I find it takes...

Well I think I can say I am on my way. Purchased the aneros (maximus) in February 07. The first few sessions were successful. Good feelings, some precum and more volume when jacking off. Then came a long dry spell with mostly dud sessions. In the last month things began to slowly improve with a better effort at lubrication and breathing technique. I am married and have to be circumspect with the aneros. I showed...

Hey guys. I've had my MGX for a few weeks and I seem to be at a plateau. I have no problems with insertion, relaxing, and have even had some nice warm sensations starting in my gut and radiating out. But most of the time this ends up with a really nice 'regular' orgasm. The Super O has been ellusive. I've read all the instructions and have tried everything I can think of to get...

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