• Reports from an Asstronaut

    A cautionary entry: don’t push it too hard. This entry is for yesterday as I had not had an opportunity to update the blog before now. As I recounted in my last post, I had received the Progasm that day. As they say, “boys with their toys” — I just had to try it, again.

    Alas, my poor butthole protested . I did manage to get the Progasm in, but could only tolerate it for a short session. So we have our physical limitations. I suspect I’m going to need more work with the smaller models to get up to regular sessions with Progasm.

    I am now an Aneros junkie, however. I decided I wanted to give the Eupho a try. Each of the Aneros has it’s own characteristics and I’d like to experience what each has to offer. I think the Eupho is a good progression from the SGX, but we will see once I have it, so to speak, in hand.

    Also, all of my sessions to date have been about an hour in length. I am looking forward to being able to schedule an open-ended session, taking as long as I can and taking the time to really relax into it. My sessions to date have been delicious, but I suspect I have only scratched the surface. I long to sink below the surface, to experience what lies there.

    And I will.

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