i seem to have reached a plateau again, but higher than i last one i was on--i seem to be having the same experience each time with no advancement, but the place where i stand now is so much higher than where i was a month ago that i'm optimistic i'll enjoy continued progress-- part of my problem is probably because of preconceptions that i have about what i should be experiencing--it is awfully hard not to steer or aim...

i have been doing a lot of sessions lately with all my massagers and my peridises too--a lot of repeatable success too--my orgasms haven't taken off by themselves and left me lying in the bushes but i can make them happen and make them repeat--part of the new lesson is learning what they are like and what to call them--i now realize that i have been having orgasms for awhile but didn't recognize them as they were so different from...

been doing a lot of sessions in the last few days--can seem to get near the threshold but never over it--got the peridise advanced set yesterday and used the larger 20 mm one yesterday and this morning--also tried the smaller 16 mm one just now--they are similar but different-- i like both, in fact the 16 mm makes me want to buy the eupho, the movement is so exquisite, which is what i imagine the eupho will give from all...

Today was my 6th session and it was the best of all. I had two sessions. The first was 2 hours and the second 1 1/2 h with 2 hours break between them. I think I`m very close to thw Super O. I think today I had a few mini Os and it was incredible. I was very horny so I shooted a video clips and now I`m trying to upload them on xtube. ...

i took yesterday off as i thought that my prostate had been extensively stimulated by both the external massages and the aneros sessions--this morning i prelubed and used the helix and it was as i thought it would be, namely, a little less than last session--it has been my experience that a great session is never followed by another great session--i could get the control i discovered last session but not the looped maintenance of arousal i wanted--so, all in...

well, i've had a lot of no advancement sessions and maybe even some one or two steps backwards sessions since the last post--tried cutting back the hot glue and also reshaping it--got feelings going but could never complete the loop to self generating feelings--very frustrating after thinking i had cracked it!--finally decided that the p-tab just wasn't hitting my spot and that the pressure on my perineum was too great--i discovered the post on the forum about external prostate massage...

did some more work on the size and shape of the hot glue and inserted it just to see if it hit the spot even though i had 2 good sessions today already--it was a bit better, even though i didn't prelube beforehand cause of all the sessions i had already had today--i will have to try the helix again as i've been copying the mgx glue without trying it--have been getting some action from echos, all very nice--a bit...

Before I describe my new very good session, let me tell you what happend last night when I went to bed. I was almost sleep when suddenly I felt very pleasing tingles in my anus. Also I think that I`ve got one P-wave. Today my session was better of all. I woke up this morning and did a light enema. Then wached some porn and jerked my penis off without ejaculation. After 30 minutes I lyied on my bed and inserted...

Today was my second session and it was definitely better than the first :) I felt some new very good feelings and I think I`m on the righ way. I also shot a short video with my aneros in. You can find it on xtube. I`m very horny now but I`ll not ejaculate and I`m very impatient form my tomorrow session. ...

Finaly today I got my Aneros Helix. I went to the Post office to take it and when i got home I immediately start my session after a light enema. It is the first time when something enters in my ass. I inserted the aneros and relaxed for a 10 minutes. Then I started to contract my spfinkter but nothing speccial happened, only a few good feelings. Most of the time I have the feeling that I got to pee....

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