Saturday and Sunday morning I had sessions lasting about an hour, but I did not experience anything different from my first session. I was not disappointed by this as I knew from everybody's comments on the forum and in blogs that this is a journey of discovery....

My MGX arrived last Thursday and as my wife was working for the afternoon and evening I thought I should make use of the quiet time and have my first session. I should point out that I have a spinal condition called Cauda Equina that causes some ED and over the last few months I have hardly been able to ejaculate, either masturbating or during intercourse with my wife. My sex life has been very traditional with the only experimenting...

I just got my HELIX! I was so excited that my hands where shaking.. and I almost dropped the package. My first ride with HELIX felt so good!!! :) I totally prefer HELIX to MGX. It just slides in and out smoother, and it also produces P-waves easier :) mmm.. After doing some school stuff I had another session which took about 2.5hours.. I took it slowly experiencing everything I could with this new toy :D Now I need to...

What I learned today will hopefully help me on my road to the super O. I've read so many recommendations about letting your body go, and letting it guide the way. I understood the words, but never the true meaning until today. And, there is not a fork in the road with two or three options; there is a spoon with options and paths so close to each other but distinctly different making an almost infinite number...

Unbelievable session! the second part was the best so far, my whole body was shaking and I was able to maintain my MGX free in motion. Very pleasurable way to use Sunday :D and I'll get my very first HELIX tomorrow!!! can't wait! :D...

Had a morning session today cause the house was empty. Today I laid on my right side for the first hour, and then rolled to my left side. For previous sessions I was on my left side so I thought I'd see if it made a difference. Some pleasant buzz and pressure, though very, very light, while relaxing. I have found with the sessions its a constant mental battle to keep your conscious only focused on the sensations...

OK, the house cleared for a bit today and thought I could squeeze in my second session. I did about an your, and I'm disappointed because as I'm typing this about an hour after that no one is still home...

My first session was about a week ago. Very interesting, very frustrating, and very promising all in the same session. I finanlly had the family out of the house for a few hours so it was time for the first test drive. I used Liquid Silk as a lubricant with a small amount of vaseline on the helix. The only note on lubricant is that I didn't have a method of putting any inside, so I could only...

Una disculpa tenía rato que no ingresaba, y sabe el trabajo y otras actividades. En fin, pues cómo en aquella ocasión les comenté saldría de viaje a Tijuana, en aquella ocasión el primer intento pues emoción y grandes expectativas de mi nuevo Aneros, el viaje se dió y al llegar la noche en el cuarto del hotel decidí hacerle frente. Imponente el tamaño, pero tras un poco de esfuerzo logré delizarlo dentro de mi, una nueva sensación (estar completamente lleno). Pues...

I bought my Helix in October 2009 and the Hypnaeros tracks shortly after, and began using them regularly. I researched techniques and tricks and tried everything I could think of, but after a few months of absolutely no progress, I began to get discouraged. I went from every few days, to a few weeks, to months between sessions. I considered trying another model, but was hesitant to throw more money into it, doubting that it would make a difference. I...

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