The moments after an intense MMO session leave me with a slimy cock and aching with arousal. After several days of MMO and no ejaculation I can be almost insane with erotic desperation. The intimate sexual liaisons I have when I am in these intense states of arousal are perhaps the most torrid and the most sensually beguiling erotic experiences I have. This morning after three days of hard MMO my body was exhausted from 3 nights of minimal...

This is the transcription of the amazing session some of us chatters had with Chuckjo2000 on the weekend of Feb 7-8,2015. Chuck asked that someone get the "word" to the other Aneros users and that those who have benefited from his mentoring should "pass it on". For now, this is my contribution. It's an edited transcript, mostly in Chuck's words. This transcript has been given to Chuck for corrections and if there are any, I'll update them here....

I hadn’t made love to J in 10 days, our schedules had been crazy and we had both been under the weather. Intensely aroused as I was after almost two weeks of MMO with no release, I was desperate for sexual connection. In the past my arousal would have translated to a need for fucking. In my rewired state my sexual response has become more complex and patient. Now I get equal pleasure of experiencing...

TL;DR: * No Aneros for two months. * No nipple stimulation. * Slower building orgasms = better. * Now partying in the o-zone. * Orgasms that reach far inwards. * Faster building orgasms = not as good. I'm not using the Aneros for roughly two months. Since two days ago I'm half way there, in fact! Abstaining will hopefully rectify the itches and pains in and around the ass, as suggested by a member. I'm itching a lot less now, so there's some good signs. But wouldn't I...

The older I get the greater the number of sexual experiences I have. In my rewired – hypersexual state it seems that I am hyper aware of the bliss and steamy eroticism of each experience. Each one becomes a unique and sensual memory that I get to savor like a special vintage or a breath taking view. This last Friday was another one of those experiences. As I sit here savoring that experience, I am amazed at...

(This post was first written for posting on the Aneros subreddit. Any formatting errors are likely due to the discrepancy between Reddit's and the Aneros site's methods of handling certain kinds of text.) Just so I don't set up bad expectations for people looking to get into things with an Aneros, let me set down the ways in which I had kind of a leg up on getting the most out of the Aneros experience. And there are quite a few...

Two of the most amazing and wonderful things about this orgasmic journey I am on is the awakening of my sexual response and the expansion of my sexual interest, gender wise. For most of my life arousal has consisted of getting an erection when looking at naked women and feeling the desperate need to ejaculate to seek relief from the sweet frustration that accompanies arousal and erection. By its nature arousal for me was...

Realized that 3 years have come and gone without me logging any events. Time flies. For the first couple of months aneros really didnt do much for me and but kept remembering what I had read in the aneros blogs and discussions so I pushed forward. As most folks the water based lubes were not good for me and took over a year for me to make the change to silcone lubes and now coconut oil. I had a reaction...

I started to have sessions with a mild sense of good feeling. Had some with that and some sessions with nothing. I had a good feeling going through my spine one time. Also when passing gas and aneros moving in response to that made it good. I bought the toy looking for an awesome orgasm, but what i got instead )so far( were three effects i wasn't expecting. You guys say " buy a pig in a poke", we here...

I decided to start a blog here so i could someday look back on my experience and also to share with the aneros community how it goes for me. I'm Brazilian so my english won't always be what it might need to be, so i ask for your patience on it. I'm a 31 years old, straight, married guy. I bought recently my first Aneros which was a Helyx Syn, and had my first...

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