As promised, I have made a videoclip with highlights of a recent 45-minute session (20 minutes preps, 25 minutes on camera):- There were two constraints on my time - needing to go work afterwards and having only 30 minutes of high quality video available on my camera. For my next video I will film the tail-end (pardon the pun) of a longer session. To be honest, I felt a bit self-conscious making this. I was not embarrassed at all as I've made plenty...

For those of you interested in recording your Aneros sessions and/or Super O’s, here is how you can do so. There is a website called You need to have an account; it’s free and easy to sign up for. If you don’t already have an Account, sign up here: Sign into your Account with your username and password and then here is the page to start uploading your videos and photos, it’s pretty easy, be certain to put the...

After three and a half months of MGX pleasure, it was inevitable that I might want to try something new. So -- on a whim, I decided to order the Peridise Beginners Set, which arrived a couple of weeks ago. Those things are tiny! After a few uses, I'm going to go through the pluses and minuses of the Peridise. Plus: it's comfortable. I love being able to insert it and comfortably sit down, walk around, etc. Plus: I've been able...

The other morning before work I tried an experiment. What if I was truly aroused and having a wank when using the Progasm? Bear in mind all my other solo sessions involved me lying in bed with no stimulation other than my imagination. So I popped the Progasm in first thing, had breakfast and then selected a DVD. Out of solidarity for the evacuees of Hurricane Gustav I chose Gale Force, about the sexploits of a gang taking shelter in a...

I’m now almost 27. When I first saw the Aneros on the shelf at a local adult store in late 2006 I was excited and bought it right then. I believed what I saw on the website over the years about it. It made scientific sense. I was excited and that night I went home and used it. My ass literally sucked the Aneros right in. I felt it hit my prostate immediately. It was a great feeling. A sweet...

At the last second I changed my mind to the MGX from the Helix. I read the specs and the MGX looks a little more beginner friendly. I guess I will just need to graduate to the Helix. Well the order is in and I'll give you the low down when it arrives....

Well I have been recieving some suggestions and I have decided to go with the Helix model. So many people seem to be impressed by this one. So I'm going with it....

Well I just got myself registered after reading into it a little bit. I must say it sounds a bit too good to be true. But I've read some amazing testemonials that get me excited to finnaly order one. Does anyone have any suggestions of which model I should get?...

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