So last night was my first time using the advance set Peridise. I started with the smallest one and sat in my computer chair looking at some porn online. I was very much surprised that it was comfortable to sit with it inserted. As that is not the case for either my MGX and Helix which both have their handles removed. I got some nice feelings from it here and there. I guess it will take some practice to discover...

I have wanted to write this blog for awhile but every time I log on read others blogs and that seems to occupy my time. So today my mind seems to be reflecting on where aneros fits into my life. As I read others blogs I always think back and try to relate as to my experiences. I remember when I was younger trying to explain to someone what it's like to get stoned. It's just like that with the...

I'm very excited! I've got an advanced set of Peridise Aneros arriving today! So tonight I will be able to try them. :D...

I have a question? Have any of you tried putting in an aneros before going to sleep? I tried it once this past week, and had a different experience, I felt like my anal muscles had been working all night, and when I awoke I was exhausted! I am sure that I had experienced a few orgasms ,but I dont remember them. I had a definite fullfilled feeling,but I was so tired that I am not sure that it was worth it. lol I dont think that...

I thought it was time to blow the dust off the blog. I visit the site on a daily basis to see what is happening. I have had many sessions with the Aneros, usually every second day. On a couple of occasions I have come close but have not gone over the edge. Sod's Law. The wife is out for a couple of hours so I have a session. Just coming to the boil and the house phone rings. Her son answers but the moment is gone. Concentrate,...

It's been a while since I've logged in here. Had to take some time away to deal with personal issues and life in general. I continue to practice Aneros sessions. More frequently now than in the last few months. The Progasm is still my Aneros of choice. Every once in while, I'll be curious, and try the MGX or Helix. And they just don't do much for me anymore. I hope it's only temporary. As I do like variety. But the...

Mrs. a and I are so charged and thrilled with the erotic > ecstatic energies and the floating bliss we have discovered within us together on this Aneros/KSMO "training wheels" adventure. The times when our energies combine to create a full "flowing waters of the goddess" ejaculatory orgasm for mrs. a, and we then bring me to a rollicking rocking rocket of a Super-T, and "we all flow together when we flow" as we did about a week ago a few...

So, yesterday morning my Helix arrived safe and sound and I decided to try it out straight away! Taking advice from the wiki, I went to the bathroom then used plenty of lube before insertion and gave myself time to relax after the initial excitement of what this journey might bring! I inserted the Helix and could feel it pressing against my prostate, I now understand that 'needing to crap and pee at the same time' sensation. But that didn't last...

Maxed on fish oil (now push the pedal down!) I completed my 15 day ramp up from 0 to 6250 mg of fish oil per my original plan just in time for the Full Moon Club lollapalooza. I’ll let you be the judge, since success can only be based on results… First of all, I was able to get my wife in on the action! We have a weekly Sunday night meeting to discuss the week ahead and the FMC...

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