• Wonderful session!

    So last night was my first time using the advance set Peridise. I started with the smallest one and sat in my computer chair looking at some porn online. I was very much surprised that it was comfortable to sit with it inserted. As that is not the case for either my MGX and Helix which both have their handles removed. I got some nice feelings from it here and there. I guess it will take some practice to discover the subtleties of this model Aneros. I few times my anus involuntarily flexed hard on it and that felt really good. After a while I laid down in my bed with it, and didn't get much response. Switched to the larger model, and not much happened either.
    Then I switched to my Progasm, and ohhhhhhhhh boy! I swear this model Aneros never fails to make me feel pleasure. Then I started to have a great session! Lot's of mini-O's and such. It was very satisfying. And I did not feel the need to ejaculate, even though I got close a few times. This was with allowing my penis to gently rub against the bed as I laid on my side. Very enjoyable!

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/28/2009at2:54 pm

      Hi Love_is,
      I find porn (or anything else for that matter) too distracting, it takes away from the exquisit feelings the Aneros generates. (Also, when working, I find music very distacting. Guess I just wasn't cut out to multitask).

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