In an earlier blog post here, Great Maintenance Orgasms, I mentioned and described the Male Clitoris Massage, the original exploration of the fully retracted penis, prior to the self-retracting, using a manual retraction technique. This is from an earlier introductory post in a thread of mine of mine "Full Penis Retraction for External Prostate Massage": >>> I occasionally practice full retraction of my penis and fold the bunched up shaft skin at the surface to help restrain my penis from its natural...

Well I have to say that my body has made this transformation and I have become very familiar with the process of reaching a prostate orgasm. I find the process pretty much effortless and very satisfying to say the least. My journey has passed through so many levels and I do continue to reach different levels on a weekly basis. I have tried everything from manually moving my Aneros tool to adding e-stim at one point. Each attempt added new...

So I've been in somewhat of an Aneros lull lately, likely due to events going on in my life right now that are stressful. So I've hardly had any Aneros sessions all month long. And likewise have not masturbated very much at all either. So today I felt aroused enough to try an Aneros session after looking at some porn on the computer. My Progasm strangely hasn't been doing much of anything for me lately. So I experimented by starting...

A brief report on several weeks of exploration. I’ve learned that many factors affect my access to pleasure. Lack of sleep, diet, relationships, problems at work can all be obstacles. I find that they aren’t insurmountable, but they make the process more exacting. My Helios finally arrived, and its arrival coincided with a period of difficulties in the various areas I’ve enumerated. For a couple of weeks I experimented with it, but the results were not much more than gently pleasurable. I...

[B]The Master Organist[/B] The benefits of this manoeuvre ( man+oeuvre ["work(s) of an artist!"] ) are many and varied, both in energies management, storage and movement, but also in energies generation, unique dry orgasmic opportunities and various combinations simultaneously. [B]Hands on Your Keyboard[/B] This unique position is placing your hands palm down on your lower abdomen, with you middle fingers in the groove between your groin and inner thighs, your index fingers on top of the middle fingers. This leaves your thumbs on...

Greetings. Had an excellent session with the largest Peridise last night. I didn't intend to drag out an Aneros again, but I was doing my usual rubbing and muscular squeezing and the p-waves kept getting stronger until I was in a horny state. I couldn't fall asleep like this! I fetched the largest Peridise in the beginniners set, since it was reliably comfortable (and I haven't had much luck with the smaller one). Ten minutes after insertion, my body alternated between...

My father has been suffering with Cyatica for the past 5 or 6 months. He also had a urine infection recently which postponed the treatment for the Cyatica. He eventually got an appointment to see a Urologist. The diagnosis is Prostate cancer. His PSA count or level is 609, a normal count is 5 so I am told. The doctors said they have seen counts of 2000+. He is to take 4 tablets a day and an injection once a month. They said it is the cancer which...

So, here I was, my body had something boiling, buzzing, pounding, swelling, arousing trapped on the inside. Relaxing helped a little but it still was intense and returned by itself. I even got myself an awake hands-free ejaculation for the first time in my life. This happened as I laid on my back and was using only my breathing. It felt good of course, being a new experience, like having a sex dream while still being awake. My Aneros Helix arrived...

Just to bring you up to date. I’m not ready yet to declare what I make of all this or what my theories are of how to provoke what I’ve experienced, so I’m just going to lay out what’s been happening. I did order the Helix, and found a good price ($45) on The problem is that it took a week for the seller to ship it, and after almost another week, it’s still not here. If you have patience...

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