Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and my body seemed to crave the Aneros a bit, but I was too tired and went back to sleep. Today I got an extra fine emery board and polished up my Aneros to a smooth glass-like finish. I also added a 3/8" vacuum compression line cap to the P-tab, so instead of a dime-like edge it has a nice round ball. I added the cap by simply...

well, i took off the hot glue cause it was getting me nowhere where i had it located on the tab and tried it again without--nothing so i added hot glue to it again but in a different spot on the tab--better so i added more in the same spot--terrific---instead of adding the glue towards the stem i added it on the end of the tab, parallel to the stem, thus making it longer--i watched some aneros use on xtube...

I received my Aneros today, and when I opened the package I was immediately impressed with the product - it seems very sturdy and well-made. The instructions that were included seemed to be fairly skimpy, and am glad that I was able to get more info off of the Aneros site. After reading many posts on the Aneros forum regarding the tail modification, I decide to remove the tail (which was harder to do than I thought it would be -...

well, i had 2 short sessions today--both were the usual--i really am starting to think i have more of a chance of an orgasm without the aneros in--i seem to have more intense feelings in my prostate when i just sit or lie down after a session is over...

boy, it seems now that my off days are giving me more pleasure than my sessions with the aneros--after a session whenever i sit or lie down i get delicious feelings in my prostate that are as good as or better than the ones i am able to generate with the aneros--they come on immediately when i sit and come to their peak in a very short time--they are always great feeling and i can keep them around for quite...

well, this session was good--there was no dead time with no feelings--i prelubed with jelly and lubed the mgx with albolene--the tab had the 1/4 in hot glue and it was inside a ping pong ball--the feelings started almost immediately while i was on my back to relax--i think i have some good techniques now, that seem to be working--i found out today that when i fully relax and my legs start to tighten up or i have twitches shooting...

One day I was surfing porn videos on and saw a few videos of aneros users, and I was immediately intrigued. I have already read the book "ESO: Extended Sexual Orgasm" and have been practicing edging on and off over the past couple of decades. I have also always been very aware of how my sphincter and anus feels when I am sexually aroused and also when I am ejaculating, and have practiced using my PC/Kegel muscles for awhile...

this session was informed by advice from tiphereth to my thread on lack of aneros movement--he said, and i believe, that the ass has to be completely relaxed for the involuntary movement to start, then when it does it should be answered with only the slightest contraction i am capable of--if too much contraction, then it stops--my problem is that when the aneros darts up my ass i can't respond moderately--my response contraction has always been violent--if i can tame...

i should have waited for tomorrow before trying another session but i didn't--i was too excited by what happened last night without the aneros that i had to try it right away--now i am a firm beliver that an equal amount happens between sessions as happens with the aneros in--that "rewiring" is a real thing...

added a little hot glue to the tab of my mgx, about 1/8 in, and put it inside a ping pong ball--got better response than without the glue but still seem to be stuck at the same place, namely when the feelings come i can't seem to relax any more to keep them going--it is very tantalizing when this occurs as it seems as though i could keep them going and get over the hump if i could stop tensing...

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