had my first super o yesterday and i'm here again trying to duplicate it--lots of lube again after a douche--start with my helix again and then my 16 mm, followed by my progasm and then my 16 mm peridise again--basically did the same thing with each massager--got to the involuntary movement part and the bouncing and the very good feelings and the panting etc but never over the hump to the super o--it's great getting to the involuntaries so soon...

this is the session where i had the super o--i was talking about the quality of the feelings being different since i had the hives outbreak and i thought that i was a long way from getting back to where i was before the allergic reaction to the lyrica--i thought that my feelings were diminished and that i would have to work at getting that quality back--i was feeling pressure on my prostate instead of a delicious rubbing and no...

wow!!!!!had my first super o--it was grand but much different than i thought it would be--more description later--just wanted to shout it out that i've had my first super o...

did a lot of lube again--used only 16 mm peridise this time--got movement but still hardly any pleasant feelings--don't know if i should lay off to let prostate recover or whether my sessions will help it come back--still most of the feelings are of pressure and not pleasant rubbing or tickling--will keep at it though--maybe i should start a routine of those prostate massages i saw online--the ones of the external rubbing on the pubic area that i think feel...

lubed up quite well again and had movement--now have movement but not as much "feeling" as before, although this afternoon i had move feeling than this morning--the feeling is starting to get more like pleasure too--need to practice and gain feeling back in those nerves after the hives outbreak...

had a session today with a double lube before insertion to make sure i had movement--i have movement, although not as much as before, but what i lack is the same feeling from the movement that i enjoyed--now it feels like pressure or just poking or rubbing and not pleasurable poking or rubbing like it used to feel--i can make the aneros move but it doesn't give me much feeling on my prostate--i only hope that i can condition it...

just wanted to say that i got a fungal infection in my lower pubic area that was misdiagnosed as herpes zoster and treated with lyrica from which i developed the severe hives as an allergic reaction--they were mainly concentrated in the groin area and upper legs and lower belly and were so severe that they were driving me crazy and keeping me from sleeping--it must have wiped out all memory from my rewiring with the aneros finally got back to health...

I've had two more encounters with my MGX since writing the last blog entry. Both were great and very similar to each other, although with each use I'm getting a better understanding of my own body's sensations and how I can use the Aneros to build on them. On Friday afternoon, I had a bit of extra time to spare so I gave the ol plastic a spin. After a short period of just resting on my side with the MGX...

I first found out about the Aneros a couple of weeks ago in an online forum. Curiosity piqued, I eventually found out more at this very website and immediately bought an MGX at a locally owned sex toy shop. It seemed a bit pricy, but after reading all the stuff about how wonderful it was, what did I have to lose? Turns out it was a wise investment. I couldn't wait to try it out the next morning after the...

got a rash all over my body like an allergy--first doctor sent me to a dermatologist--said not herpes zoster but fungal infection and then allergic to bacitracin, which i put on after i scratches it the first time--so now a cream for the cock and balls, which are swollen and another cream for that and the whole body for the rash and itching--looks like i'll be sidelined for weeks--just applied the anti-fungal cream on cock and balls and lower pubic...

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