July 2008 – Thinking the Aneros product might be mainstream, I drive to a local Adult Toy Store. I guess it’s not mainstream. Nobody carries this product or has heard of it. Being a straight laced kind of middle America guy – there’s not a lot of places where main street meets anal stimulators. I haven’t talked to my wife about any of this. I pull the trigger and order it off the internet. ...

Background: Male, mid 40’s, married with children. June 2008 – While cruising a web site for couples, I read a couple of threads on tantric sex. One of the threads talks about prostate massage leading to great orgasms for men. A simple Google search on prostate massage leads to a variety of web sites – one of them is for Aneros. I read the forums and do some product research. My wife and I have a fun relationship,...

Well I have to say after 17 months of owning my Helix and Progasm I have finally experienced the Super-O! Not once but in the last 3 sessions 5 total. It is so weird that after all this time it's like it's happening with every session. I just don't think I knew what to expect. This is just so pleasurable and so intense. Ok tonight I started with my newest toy the Eupho. I really didn't like the Eupho when...

I went to the cd Babe site and listened to the 8 tracks for the Hypnaerosession cd. Just sat there with my eyes close listening. "Welcome back my sexy friend" That was a jolt. Made up my mind to buy the cd after listening. Ordered it this morning. Now I wait for the postman for 2 reasons. Next week I hope. Bought a cheap portable cd player today, I have been thinking about getting one for a while so today was the day. I will listen to the 8...

I decided to do some prep work today while awaiting the arrival of my Helix. Off to the pharmacy. Bought some KY and a 5cc syringe. I will look for some small soft plastic tube to put on the outlet. Downloaded the Hypnaerosession samples from this site. Damn ! The lady gave me a hard on telling me to squeeze and hold. Looks as if I will have to find the full version, also a portable CD player. I could imagine things could go well listening to...

I'm a young man and for 4 years before I started using the Aneros I would get rectal pains at a minimum of at least once every 3 months, especially and most times in the middle of the night which woke me up out of my sleep. My mom said she got these sometimes too. A colonoscopy found nothing wrong with me. My ex-boyfriend who was abusive used to have rough penetrative sex with me. I don't know if that...

After being in the background for a while i decieded to register yesterday. I also ordered my firat Aneros, a Helix. The best price I found was with Sax Fetish in Australia. I will wait rather nervously for a week or so until it arrives. When I went on line for the first time last night I saw that the mighty Mayfield was on line at the same time. I hope that this is a good omen. I thought about saying hello but I thought that...

As promised, I have edited the rest of my session as described previously during which I had my first dry-gasms (all the sensations of cumming without the mess). This was followed by what could only be a Super-Orgasm (but only after the camera batteries died). All without cock stimulation or ejaculation. What a fantastic ride! http://www.xtube.com/play_re.php?v=5mm5K_G621_ Each time the screen 'shatters' I am getting ready for another dry-gasm. You'll notice my first two were about 30 seconds within each other, incredible! Some people...

Several times when I've been using the gizmo (maybe once or twice a week for the past 6 weeks or so), I've been tried to match the sensations I was feeling with what's been described on this site: 'Is that a mini-O? A dry orgasm? An involuntary??' My most recent session answered some of these questions definitively, after I had four dry-gasms (cumming, but not ejaculating) followed by what could only be the Super Orgasm. If it WAS 'only' a mini-O,...

You might find my second videoclip a bit dull because I've kept the editing to a minimum. I wanted to give a better impression of what a session for me involves, or at least at its beginning. http://www.xtube.com/play_re.php?v=Bn3rC-G821- The big news is that after making this clip, I continued using the Progasm that same evening and experienced my first 'dry-gasms'. All the sensations of cumming, but no ejaculation! Even better, no remission period either - I had my first two within about...

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