Great week. Had an excellent three hour session Monday with the MGX. It climaxed with about an hour of really intense p-waves and dry-os. Although now, looking at the wiki, I think I might possibly be having super-os. They feel like full fledged orgasms, but they're not full body encompassing or taking me over the moon as I've seen described. Whatever they are, it's fantastic! Strangely I've never had any involuntary muscle movements. An odd thing about this session is that...

I don't know if this is catagorized as an official day-after effect, but the thing that's most noticable for me is that I seem to be attuned to a different frequency in my body. It's like that roller coaster feeling in your stomach, except sometimes its in your teeth or a foot or an arm. Mostly in the stomach though. Oh, and that guy that says 'don't forget your nipples'? He's so right. They are...

Well I have been traveling the last 4 days and with some company. I am finally home and I was looking forward to scratching this itch I have. Tonight I started with the Helix and I did reach some good orgasmic levels but not what I had hoped for after 4 days off. I took a break for about 2 hours and decided to play with Eupho. WOW, did this one hit the spot!!! So for 1 half hour it...

So I got the Helix today. I`ll try to quickly sum up what happened. I inserted the helix, and after about 30 minutes of getting used to it and doing breathing exercises, I decided to switch from lying on my back/side to the "Kneeling on floor while torso is draped atop bed." So far all I had to show for was precum all over the place. After about 15 minutes, I began to shake. Again and again, like in one of the videos...

After waiting 14 days for my Helix I e mailed the company. They replied that it was out of stock but were expecting delivery soon. I felt very disapointed. Down, deflated. My cd of Hypnaerosession arrived yesterday. I went outside last night and gave it a listen. It was a bit noisy and could not concentrate fully. Also tired after a long day. All the same it gave me an erection. I got a couple of pulses through my penis. Also had a tingeling sensation in my lower legs. All in...

As things have progressed forward with my/our practice, I get taken back and aback by the old life story elements that reappear as having effected rewiring and other dimensions of the practice. Here we begin at the beginning (from a post in a Community Poll): I was a sickly child and a difficult birth, raised by my mother and nurses mostly for at least the first two years at times in quarantine. My father did not get to hold me until I...

Well it's Sunday and I am pretty relaxed and I have been patient waiting for evening. I have decided to use all my versions and keep a log for each experience. Today I started with my usual Eupho experience. Today was different. I lubed up with thick and rich. As I inserted the Eupho I realized how sensitive I have become. Now it's not a bad sensitive, it’s more like I was already there. That place I get carried to...

This thing is so addictive. I have actually had to force myself not to use it every day. The problem is that when used correctly and you are able to sustain a level where you reach super-os, you want to go on and on which just zaps your energy level the entire next day. I just love this thing! On the positive side (if the above could be considered a negative), the endless anal involuntary contractions I have been getting...

I am so exited, just ordered the Helix and the other items I need to get started. Can`t wait to begin on my journey! Hopefully the package is here next Friday. ...

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