Since my last session, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to insert some lube in "there". But how? I was wishing I had bought a syringe when I ordered the unit. I spent some time looking at Walgreens and Walmart for something that would gently deliver some lube where I wanted it. I found a baby doser syringe, kinda like a small turkey baster. It held 5 ml and had a...

Session 2 yesterday and there were less feelings of wanting to pee and I did get a period when my whole body felt a warm glow. This lasted for about 10 minutes and was pleasurable although it was nowhere near orgasmic. I do not get any sensations from my perineum with the P tab, which surprises me as in the past I have been able to achieve sensations in that area by gently massaging there. ...

So my black Progasm arrived today. I gave it a try earlier tonight. It's definitely bigger, and was slightly more challenging to insert. Only because I'm not familiar yet with how to tilt it on insertion like I do with my MGX and Helix. The thicker stem certainly makes for a fuller feeling in the anus. And seems to require less effort with conscious anal contractions. It feels nice. And I got a lot of mini-O's from it. Then I thought I...

News: I just ordered a black Progasm! hee, hee I can't wait to try it. I should have it by tomorrow. I ordered it in the black color because I find that my white MGX and Helix have gotten stains on them that will not completely remove with normal washing. To me it's the same logic that goes with wearing white underwear. Why bother when you can just use a more appropriate color. ------------------------- Thoughts: I've been noticing some of the changes in me since I've...

Hey People, I had another session tonight. I decided I would try the Helix only tonight, as lately I've been into trying to relax, focus on breathing, and just breathing in general through whatever happens. Sort of the do nothing/meditative style of session. At least initially. That seems to be just the beginning part, and then from there it gets really hot and heavy! LOL But I'm definitely liking the Helix all over again. I feel like I can get a better...

Well! I received my MGX last week and yesterday evening was the first chance I had to try it out. I was a bit apprehensive about inserting it into my anus as I imagined it was going to be a bit painful. I carfully washed my passage and used a finger to lube it with KY Jelly and then spread vaseline along the length of the MGX and I am pleased to say it slipped in without a problem...

My first experience is pleasent. Insertion is pleasent. Contractions are pleasent but no non-ejaculatory result. I feel like I would like to try every night. I am afraid if I go at this every night with too much trying, I am going to miss it. How often does a newbee try, once every two days or so? Is there a typical road to sucess to attain the non-ejaculatory response? Any comments or help...

I didn't have as much time the second time I used it. This was about a week after the initial use. In fact, I wasn't even home. I was in my office on a Saturday afternoon (no one else was around, of course). The main challenge was finding a comfortable place to lay. The best I could do was the hard floor. Oh well. It wasn't as bad as you may think. It felt...

This is a first. I actually started to write a blog entry on my great session from last night, but thinking about it gave me a buzz --- so I had to have another quick session. When it's good, it's good! But I'm getting ahead of myself. About three weeks ago, I discovered the joy of holding back. I was having a crappy, stressful week and couldn't jerk off for a while. By the time I was ready for the MGX...

I’m pretty sure I had my first Dry O today! OK, all you newbies and veterans alike, here it is. After about an hour of relaxing, I got on the exercise ball. I had noticed good feelings before with this technique (As it turns out, lying on the body ball is a great way to use the computer without having to sit down. Search ‘Body Ball’ in the forum and there are extensive threads and even...

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