When I read about guys that have multi-hour sessions with their Aneros's, I wonder, Where do they get the time? I don't generally have that much private time to devote to my sessions. But for me it's a matter of quality rather than quantity. So a few days ago, I had a pretty good block of time, so I did my usual preparation and began my session. It wasn't long before I was rocking with O's, each one...

Haven’t had time for many sessions lately, but I snuck in a 2 hour Peridise session. Not much to write home about, so I opened up an old thread of mine I never posted. I figure I’ll put it in my blog first before I go mainstream with it on the forum incase I have any second thoughts (can you have second thoughts after you post a blog on the internet?). Anyways, there was a post circulating this forum...

I think I reached a Super-O, eight months after first getting into the Aneros. This was in a session Thursday night that capped off a very horny week for me. I started off with the MGX and only a few squirts of ID Glide lube. With this session, I just wanted to guide the Aneros to a "sweet spot" and let it sit there. Boy did I ever do that! About 15-20 minutes into the session, following some wonderful p-waves, I...

no trouble inserting. but can't seem to keep it in; keeps slipping out. any suggestions?...

It's been a few weeks since my last entry but I have been regularly using my MGX twice a week. The reason for the absence is because there has been nothing new to report, until today that is. I must admit my enthusiasm was waning somewhat and today I went through my usual prep and inserted my MGX. I laid on my side for a time doing anal contractions periodically, but I realsied that all of my thoughts were negative, so I...

I have had some unbelievable sessions in the last 2 months. I have had no problems reaching the elusive super-O. Today I had a stressful day and I was looking forward to some satisfaction using my Aneros massagers. My problem today was I had a small window of time. Well I should have known better. If I have learned anything it is relax and let things happen. Well after 45 minutes I just couldn't MAKE things happen. The jokes on...

Well, it's been one and a half months so far and I have not made much if any progress. My sessions are still without much result. But I will not elaborate much on this; there are a number of other journals I have posted about the situation already. I'm finding myself losing motivation to continue. At first I started this daily. Then I went every other than, and now the frequency of my sessions are getting lesser in time. I suppose...

I have now had my fourth session, and I thought I pass this on to you. How great it felt. Infact I was for the last hour I experiencing waves of pleasure without ejaculating anything. There was no erection but great pleasant feelings. My body was in the Super-O, I think. I just lost track of the time it was, oh it was an hour that I was lost in this pleaure which greatly satisfies. The session...

[b]My first and only “non-ejaculatory” penile multiple orgasm as a kid.[/b] [b]I am an adult now, for the record, but this is a story about when I was younger.[/b] I had a friend stay over for my thirteenth birthday. I was a late bloomer and my friend was an early bloomer and developed much faster than others our age. He was 12 and he looked much older than everyone in our class. He had hairy legs, could grow a full...

This is a follow up to my first Progasm session. That night, as I lay in bed, I started doing little contractions. Soon I was playing “Chase the Pleasure Echo” like I learned over the Christmas holidays when I was Anerosless. This involves doing some External Male Deer rubbing and then contracting for awhile. Boy did things take off. For the next hour and a half the contractions and spasms rose and fell and rose...

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