When I woke up this morning it was just barely light outside. I could hear it was starting to rain. Still feeling groggy, I wasn't ready to get up. I had a few false starts, based mostly around my confusion and paranoia that someone was going to walk into my bedroom and see everything I'd been doing there. Several hours later I was awake enough to wonder if yesterday had really happened. As if to prove it to myself, I started...

Well I use my aneros tools every other day or every third day religiously. Over the past few months after attaining the ability to reach super-o level I have had some pretty amazing sessions. Some that leaves me breathless, some that leave my body numb and some that place me in other states of mind. Nothing though prepared me for last night’s session. I was in such a bad mood as my life lately has put me under a lot...

Today has been bizarre. After waking I had a quick Aneros-less session to start the day. My energy levels today were nothing like they were yesterday, though I was still getting into listening to my music while I worked. There was something else, though—not quite depression but a melancholy and anxious feeling about something I couldn't quite identify. In the late afternoon I was getting horny and decided to get into using the Aneros again. The first hour was unremarkable, mostly because I...

Today I've been feeling high as a kite. The Aneros-less kickstart I described in my previous entry was just the incredible beginning. Who knew I could teach my body to enjoy intense orgasmic pleasure at will without any direct physical stimulation? Frankly I'm amazed it has happened at all, let alone so quickly—I've only had four sessions with the Aneros and I almost feel like I don't really need it any more. I gather my rapid progress is not a...

Something interesting happened last night that was completely non-sexual, and yet at least as energetic and satisfying as I've been experiencing lately. I decided to try some meditation (in bed) with the help of headphones and soothing audio. It was not long before I started to feel some tingling, mostly in my legs—not erotic at all but soothing and very relaxing. I was able to direct this tingling with my focused awareness into other parts of my body, and was...

In my first entry I mentioned I might try combining my pleasurable day-after effects with traditional masturbation. I did, and the result was one of the strongest orgasms and ejaculation I've had in recent memory; it was quite enjoyable. That was last night. Early this morning I woke up to involuntary spasms and arousal sensations, as though I were having an Aneros session—but I wasn't! The convulsions literally woke me up. Unfortunately, I was still tired and wasn't in the mood...

I've experimented with anal play a bit in the past, but have never been completely satisfied with it. In the short span of a few days, the Aneros has changed my entire outlook on sexuality and linked together a number of unlikely experiences in my life that until now simply seemed odd or unexpected. I'll elaborate after first describing the past couple of days. Based on recommendations I gleaned from the Aneros forum, I placed an order for the Helix. However,...

It is my 8 month anniversary. Since I’m always making progress but not reaching the Super-O I guess I’ll just have to keep writing entries to my blog until I graduate and get my diplOma from Aneros U. Eight months – and I’m a guy with a lot of time, 4 different Aneros models, healthy, a good attitude and a supportive wife. So I thought it was about time I chose my forum avatar. I picked a picture from the...

I have done anal play before with the misses, I found it was ok. Then I saw this Aneros thing on the net. I started looking in to it and found videos with guys doing Mambo #5 with one leg and the Tango with the other, before flying off the bed and sticking there nuts in the wall socket!! Then I can across this site and many others like it. After seeing and reading everything I ordered the progasm. I...

The following is quoted from a post of mine in The Tao Bums Forum. I believe that it reflects another dimension of the life force energies we are working with in their orgasmic and ecstatic forms here and connects us all to the poet's long held assertion of the union of sex and death: My mother in her mid-80s had two surgeries for a life threatening condition; the first emergency to stop the condition and the second to repair temporary elements...

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