I'm still alive, and I have used my aneros on a handful of occasions since my last entry. I had wanted to keep this blog up to date after every session but life has been so hectic that it's not been possible. Anyway: After my first session, for the following couple of weeks I had been experiencing pretty intense prostate sensations while driving. I do quite a bit of driving as part of my job, around 200 miles a day sometimes....

Today was my third session in five days. The first was fun, exciting and intriguing, but I finished not knowing whether to be thrilled or confused. I got an immediate hardon when inserting the Helix, but it came and went during my session. I read postings after the session and the recurring message was "be patient." I did some more reading and practiced PC contractions while on my back. I felt more rushed this time, and didn't...

So I received my new bicycle saddle a little over a week ago. And some interesting developments have occurred. The very first time I sat on it, I immediately got butt buzz for 10 or 15 seconds, then it went away. "Well that's interesting.", I thought to myself. As I've never had this occur at all from sitting on a bicycle saddle. Then yesterday, was I think my fourth time trying out the seat....

The best session that I have had recently was yesterday. I had a very pleasureable feeling bouncing back and forwards between my Prostate and Perinium. It was not an involuntary as the mgx did not move. It lasted 20 seconds or so. That was about it for the session. About 5 this morning I was having a dream about the woman down the road. You know what I mean!!!!! Suddenly it felt as if my Prostate and penis was about to explode. Boy was that intense. Just at the point...

So I had another interesting session last night. I was only somewhat aroused. So it wasn't as intense as other sessions have been. What I found, is that I can't get anything out of the Peridise if I am not extremely aroused. I guess you can't really force the issue with these models, as you can to a certain extent with the prostrate massager models. So basically I had to go back and forth between the Progasm and Peridise models....

I had a spectacular session tonight! I started with the Progasm and had a few nice mini-O's. But after about 40 minutes I had to stop, as this was the second night in a row of Progasm use. So my prostate was a little sore at this point. It didn't really want to stop. So I removed the Progasm and inserted the larger of the two Peridise from the advance set. I remembered one user telling me the he used the...

I posted this in September right after my first Super-O. I just went back and read it and I thought I would repost it for those newbees. Hope springs eternal for those grinders who haven't reached the super-o level. Don't give up!! Ok this all got started for me when I began to develop prostate problems and one doctor after the next just threw pills at me. They seemed to help very little. I decided to visit a friend of mine...

Proctalgia fugax: I feel I may have this condition but the Aneros prostate massagers and Peridise have minimized the frequency of the symptoms. I think Aneros products soothe, minimize and possibly cure this condition. Here is the literature from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proctalgia_fugax ...

Well, I finally took my progasm for an outside excursion. I decided to go to Walmart today ,and do my grocery shopping wit my Progasm in my ass. It was ths best shopping experience I ever had! lol I kept wondering what people would do if they knew that I had an aneros in my ASS!! (They probably would drop there grocery bags on the floor) I was really having fun and enjoying every feeling in my ass until I got to the check-out...

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