I have always also used my Aneros models for prostate massage specific treatment for my chronic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and prevention of the previous occasional bouts of more or less serious Prostatitis. One episode of prostatitis a few years ago took 3 months of antibiotic lashings to cure. Although I can also use Aneros as a an erection encourager at times for my medication induced Erectile Dysfunction (ED), that is a different circuit, rewired and expressed consciously as a different...

Sometimes, long after all the sessions are complete, when I go to bed I just lay there and start the coaxing of the p-waves. First, I make sure I’m uncovered – no extraneous sensations. Then I find the right gentle contraction – all I know is its not the pc or bc muscle – I think it’s the cremaster muscle or something (Darwin would know) – it’s an outward inward pull push. Then it starts – the...

So last nights Aneros session I noticed a correlation between when I got really aroused, my prostrate swelled in size, as did my nipples. My nipples became much more erect and sensitive as I played with them. I was surprised to realize this. Too bad it didn't last all that long. Makes me wonder if this is what women feel in their nipples when they are excited. But it made me also think that perhaps these physical changes and sensations in...

I really like Probe lube. As a prep I have found it also good to clean out your colon. My first thing I do is to flush out with warm water. (not hot) I use an ear wax bulb but I am sure there are better devices but this works for me. I have found this to be one of the most important things to do. Not only does it clean you out but add some moisture. Moisture when mixed...

After an initial success with the aneros and taking some time off Im back with mistress aneros. I bought myself eupho and probe lubricant which I saw a lot of recomedations for mmmm cant wait to try it all out. I havent had a lot of progress lately with mind blowing orgasms, rather the contratry, the peak moments are backing up a little bit. But Im extremly happy with the discovery of this world of orgasm (slowly doing KSMO too). One...

A had another session last night and I think I made a little headway. Thanks to those who have commented on my blog entries so far, I have done my best to act on what you have suggested. I have switched on to the fact that I have been trying to rush into all this too fast and I have been going at my previous sessions at a pace to try and 'force some progress out of it'. This, of course,...

So the last couple sessions I've had, I ended up having an Aneros assisted super-T at the end of each one. And it made me realize for those of us that have not achieved super-O's yet, how difficult it can be at times to resist the urge to have an ejaculatory orgasm during an Aneros session. It makes me ponder if this boils down to once again expectations of the session, or just plain over horniness. The sessions I'm having now...

So I had another session today. And am very likely to have another if my prostate keeps making these pleasurable sensations as I sit here typing. So I've had two sessions so far of the relax and do nothing approach. And previous to this, my nipples gradually became sensitive to being touched over the course of a few months. They never used to be sensitive at all. But since todays session, they've become even more sensitive. And they now also become...

So last night was the first recent session that I seriously attempted and approached the technique of laying on my back, knees bent, legs spread, breath, and relax. Yes, the dirty "R" word that those of us who have not achieved super orgasm tend to have a love/hate relationship with. LOL I first heard it from "slipperybugger" the other day, and it made me chuckle, as I pondered the appropriateness of it's use. I'm doing this because of my recent...

Hello everyone I had a some awakenings this past years through some life experience and I definitely had quite a big boost going through craniosacral work and rolfing. Basically a lot of emotional release, whole body highs etc...

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