So as it stands now, I feel like I have two separate but related practices going on. One is the standard Aneros session in bed using my Progasm while laying on my back with knees up. The other is sitting in my computer chair, with no Aneros inserted, while viewing or reading porn. And the interesting thing is that the effects/results are somewhat different. In both practices I do not touch my penis, unless I decide to super-T at the...

This is just a short post. I have mentioned in the past how my body seems to go through periods of cycles where at some point I have extreme super-o's ( toe curling )and other time I have periods of milder super-o's. Just 2 weeks ago I had several sessions in a week that sent me through the roof. I thought I had reached a new level. Now this week, though I am achieving super-o's they are nowhere near...

Im just recovering from a five hour marathon which Ive decided marks the end of my little honeymoon with myself in the quest for the mistery, the orgasm, the new plane, whatever...

Things are stabilizing these weeks. Had a few days pause and now Im back, the first days I went full throtle and achieved nothing. But yesterday I just slipped peridise and started reading some sex book and found my self floating in pleasure waves, after that, inserted the eupho and mmmm more intense even. I had to put the book down after 20minutes, couldnt read straight. Tonight same thing, picked up some erotic book and started reading and getting turned on with...

Things are stabilizing these weeks. Had a few days pause and now Im back, the first days I went full throtle and achieved nothing. But yesterday I just slipped peridise and started reading some sex book and found my self floating in pleasure waves, after that, inserted the eupho and mmmm more intense even. I had to put the book down after 20minutes, couldnt read straight. Tonight same thing, picked up some erotic book and started reading and getting turned on with...

Session #5. Helix Time: 90 min. Pre-lube: ID Glide + H2O Tool-lube: Crisco & pH on stem 5/21/09 (Rewiring at work?) I had planned to repeat the pleasureful approaches to orgasm that I'd had twice during Session #4. Then, rev them up a bit. However, I got sage advice from <helixbill> and <Love_is> ...

Session #4. (The "Big Change" session) This post is a journal of three 'sub-sessions' that alternated between the Helix (with a 'tab cover') and the SGX. Total time was 135 minutes. 5/15/09 Session #4a: Giving up on contractions Helix. Over an hour This is probably what most guys manage in Session #1 or #2. I just move at snail speed. I had planned this as a Friday afternoon adventure but was awakened at...

I had a major turning point on Session #4 so have lumped the first three sessions together. These sessions didn't move very far through the Wiki list of milestones. But I smoothed out a lot of basics and learned what a contraction was. Aside from the nuts and bolts of "session management" the big project was getting my wife OK with the idea of 'female orgasms for men' So, she is OK with it but, without...

Blog, ground-zero. -- how I stumbled in the door -- Early in 2009 my wife and I embraced the Oprah/Sue Berman/Dr. Oz approach to improve our g-spot batting average. That involved a set of Dr. Berman's training tools, maps, and techniques. Good stuff! Then, at a 'Sex101' workshop for seniors, a local Urologist mentioned that the g-spot was just a "left-over chunk of prostate tissue common to both males and females...

Quite a few months and posts back I posted a blog about a friend of mine suffering from BPH. Well thanks for all the suggestions and I finally had the balls to take Love_is suggestion and send him info on Being guys and how we are brought up I just found this awkward. Well thanks Love_is because your suggestion worked out well. I wasn't sure if I was going to lose a longtime friend but that hasn't happened. I...

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