At last. We managed to be able to have a night of sex. And the first shared experience of using the Aneros. My wife came home last Friday, and due to circumstance we haven't had the time and energy to have any love sessions. Well that's not entirely true, but its limited how advanced you get in the morning when your children are in the living room...

With ejaculation being called by the French; "The Little Death" (Le Petite Mort), here is a refreshing bit of science from the Brits, via PubMed/About (with thanks): Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study. Davey Smith G, Frankel S, Yarnell J. Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol. OBJECTIVE: To examine the relation between frequency of orgasm and mortality. STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study with a 10 year follow up. SETTING: The town of Caerphilly, South Wales, and five...

So much for abstinence. On Wednesday evening I had another go, I simply had to. I guess I had a good session but I felt unsatisfied. A couple of dry-o's. I must wait for my body to get ready, not insisting on getting the key to the big vibrating universe.. Well, Thursday morning i woke up early, and how do you spend an hour before you should get up? That’s right. Lube up and go. Again I was too ambitious and fell short....

I bought my Aneros on June 5. And on Friday the 12. I had a breakthrough. Well my story starts like this: My wife had recently got fired from her work and she now enjoys three months of holiday. She went to Switzerland to visit some of our good friends. The wife told about their new sex toys and my wife was brave and suggested that we should get a dildo to spice up our sex life. And so I went to down...

These are excepts from a current thread in which Pan and I discuss these alternate methods based on his first post in Sky_Walker's thread The Five Minutes leading up to a Super-O at >>>artform wrote: I have found both the Fantasy method and what I have called the Muscle Memory method to be very useful additional arrows in the quiver. But Muscle Memory may be limited to those experienced with yoga or at least successful inner body visualization: being able...

Nothing new or super - but I have retained a heightened prostate feeling since the last full moon. I'm able to feel the 'tension' whenever I choose to focus on it - lurking and pulsing around. Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote the day after the Full Moon: [I]I had a fantastic session. The best of the month. The fun part is that I have established an evening session during Full Moons with my SO...

I mentioned in a previous blog about the wife wanting a toy and my efforts to find one and get her interested. She is astute enough to combine this with something she has always wanted so some horse trading was done with an air con unit. A Feeldoe was duly ordered. There was a strange occurence one night. I had a few drinks and was feeling a bit adventerous. I lubed up my thumb and started playing with her back door. Entrance was granted to my digit. She...

So last night I had another session. It was ok, nothing spectacular. I didn't have much luck with getting my prostate aroused prior to the session from looking at porn. I'm starting to wonder if hard exercise can lower arousal levels. As I started exercising regularly outside again since the weather has become nice, and I'm not in peak shape yet. So I'm usually fatigued and sore. Any thoughts? What was of interest, is that since it has been eight...

hello everybody, I've been reading on prostate massage for a while and decided to order my massager today, the Helix. I can't wait for it to arrive and to have my first session. While my Helix is being shipped, I'll be looking through the forums to learn everything you've shared with us probies. rj...

I haven’t really had a bad session since starting the KSMO. One thing the KSMO really helps with is with the discipline to only use the Aneros three times a week. The Peridise is my weapon of choice since it produces results with a minimum of effort and a maximum of mobility. I have 4 different kinds of sessions 1) Aneros 2) KSMO 3) The session I like to have when I lay down in bed at night and...

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