Ok, so here is the latest and greatest on my journey. I am going to sum it up. Two days after the last session, I decided to do it again. I didn't want to give up, because I felt like I was getting close. This time I got to the waves and rock hard erection state, but it died out. It was ok. Two days later, I didn't get any results, I was patient...

After a couple of nights off, I was feeling so horny I felt I couldn’t wait for the scheduled session tomorrow night! This time, I injected half a syringe (about 4ml) shea butter formula, followed by one eyedropper of Wet Stuff. Having also lubed and inserted the Helix, it was time to retire. I started a few light contractions and P waves began almost immediately, although they were not particularly powerful and I thought it unlikely that this would be a...

Well I have just completed three weeks of my journey through the land of anal and prostate stimulation and it has been quite a joruney. Last nite I had a remarkable session, everything came together. After I inserted my helix I began shaking and it just went on from there. I was able to relax and then started gentle contractions. I immediately starting thuderous Os, evolving into super Os. One right after another; they pull me into a ball and...

We spent three nights in a unit beside the Great Ocean Road in Southwest Victoria, so close to the sea that the sound of the surf was the pre-eminent presence. On the first night, immediately before retiring, I injected 2 or 3 ml lube into my rectum and then well lubricated my Helix. The night's session was not spectacular, largely I assumed, because it had been a long drive to get to the unit, and I had been persuaded to embibe...

So last night as I started a no-Aneros session sitting in front of my computer while looking at porn, I noticed that I wasn't having much sensations. I also noticed that my conscious contractions had unknowingly shifted to PC muscles only. So just to experiment I tried contracting just my anal muscles, and was pleasantly surprised by very pleasurable sensations. So I worked with holding a quite firm anal contraction, and found that it kept the level of pleasurable sensations...

So, after buying the product earlier this year with hopes of being one of the few that experiences amazing results in no time, I found that I didn't feel anything life altering. It was more uncomfortable than comfortable, so I put it in my sock drawer and forgot about it. I recently got a new dresser and when I was transferring my clothes over, I found it again. I wasn't feeling particularly horny, but I decided...

[B]The Inflation Cycles[/B] Over time, Mrs. a and I found that we [B]really enjoy[/B] taking the [B]M/F Energies Balancing[/B] experience further and in a counter-intuitive direction. As we began to experience the energies exchanges more clearly and quickly, we also felt my flaccid penis taking that stimulus back to an ejaculatory circuit, or more frequently, a mixed circuits response and starting to erect, at least to semi-soft or slightly firmer state, what I have earlier here described as the "leatherman". As this...

For a fall treat I splurged and got myself a Eupho. It has been since January that I last got a new Aneros product – then it was the Progasm. I was curious how much it would be different from the Helix (my first product) – since they are approximately the same dimensions. Boy was I in for a pleasant surprise! Upon insertion, it felt different – it seemed to go right up to nestle and rub the...

During a visit to a doctor a few years ago I was diagnosed with BPH. I had just turned 52 and though I am in great shape the aging process is taking it's toll on my body in some way. My enlargened prostate is one of them. Now the typical method for dealing with this in the medical community is to prescribe drugs to shrink the prostate. These drugs have so many negative effects. At first I studied which one...

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