Over the past three nights I have had three sessions with various Aneros models as follows: On Sunday night I used my recent favourite model, the Helix. With this, I had what I would class as my best session to date. Almost as soon as it was inserted, light PC contractions drove me immediately into the most delicious response of continuous waves of pleasure, from which I had some difficulty coming down! The significant difference from all previous sessions was the...

So it seems that I've moved on from what I was doing with rubbing my penis lightly during my Aneros sessions to achieve dry-O's. It was a useful experience. But now I find that it is too much of a distraction from the prostate sensations. And in my more current sessions seemed to become too much like edging. So my last session I did not do any penis stimulation, and just concentrated on the prostate and energy sensations while deep breathing...

Wow! This was my best session I have had so far. This was my 6th session, and I was kind of detached from my Helix after my previous session. This was due to the fact that I was really scared of my heart rate going very rapidly, some new intense sensations, and the fact that my mother and her friend are sleeping next to my room. So this session I had it really planned out. First I asked some Aneros members about...

Just got mine in the mail and was wondering what the best position to be in when first trying this out?...

Shouldn’t “Super Erection” be a new Aneros term in the Wiki given to the unique erections caused by the Aneros and Peridise models? So many guys from the Aneros forum that I have chatted with describe the erections they get from the Aneros and all say they’ve never had and never have an erection as hard and in that certain manner when they use the Aneros. Some say you can get the “skin-busting” erections from edging as well but I don’t...

Ok, so I found out tonight that I was able to repeat the multiple dry-O experience many times again! Yeah! :D Although I think because I did not wait a day in between sessions, the orgasms didn't seem quite as intense. But they were still enjoyable. So I didn't super-T this time. And no ejaculate came out at all, but a heck of a lot of pre-cum much like last time. I also noticed much like last time,...

So I think that I am making some progress towards achieving super-O's. And thought it would be prudent to post my experience and thoughts just after my Aneros session. I was inspired to have a session without looking at porn prior, and just knowing that my body was ready and/or accepting of an Aneros session by Cockadoodle's new thread. http://www.aneros.com/forum/penis-not-part-ii-t4670.html Not that I personally think that porn is bad for you. But it was more of just learning to trust that I...

The night before last, after a break of a week (for reasons which I do not need to go into here), I had the best session ever with my Helix. Almost as soon as I had got into bed, the P waves began with very little effort from me. The session involved about four periods, each of at least half an hour, consisting of continuous strong P waves. Again I was experiencing the phenomenon of the Helix driving the process once...

So, after a relative good first session, I was ready for some more action with my Helix. Before I actually started with my second session, I aroused myself by downloading some good porn. Next thing was to do some bowel and take a nice hot shower. This time I used oliveoil to lubricate my anus and Helix. This lubrication is really nice to use, I often use it when I masturbate because it doesnt dry out. The problem I had yesterday though,...

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