Enjoying the unique special orgasmic feelings of aneros sessions with voluntary and sustained Full Penis Retraction, as well as the great added bounce of sessions using the Male Clitoris Massage technique described too in earlier posts here and by others as well in threads in the Forum, I felt it worthwhile exploring our pliable male anatomy even a little further. As we know from experience, shaft skin is separate from the actual penis shaft and moves independently, below the fixed attachment...

Back to top chuckjo2000 Joined: 18 Oct 2009 Posts: 6 Location: indiana Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:37 am Post subject: sharing a very intimate moment...

Session 2 - Thurs 29 Oct Began with the primary aim of exploring movement of the Helix and Progasm – any other experiences that came bye would be a bonus. Firstly with Helix and laying on tummy. Trying to push it out and then draw it back in – used a little manual assistance to get the feel of it moving out and, in particular, firstly how far it had moved and secondly how far it could be pushed out and still...

Session 1 - pm Wed 28 Oct and am 29 Oct Progasm and Helix arrived today. Session began with wife in attendance. Used Helix, 1cc KY liquid inserted rectum and liberal coating of KY jelly on Helix. Easy entry and little uncomfortable feeling. Breathing for about 10min then introduced contraction with each (most) breaths. On back and then RHS. Pleasant feelings prostate and perineum area. After 1 hr 10min changed to Progasm with the aim of finding out...

Last night I had an experience, which was new, although I’m sure I have been close to this on a few occasions before. For most of the past month I have been experimenting with the use of the Eupho and the Maximus, so last night’s session was the first with the Helix since the end of last month. By way of preparation, I inserted a small plug of unrefined Shea Butter into my anus and followed that with an eye-dropper filled...

Following an early morning Quickie session recently, like the one described in Part 2, mrs. a had to get up and leave for an appointment. The difference this time was using my Helix instead of mrs. a's finger. We had begun this session with mrs. a lubing my anus/rectum and my Helix and inserting it lovingly into me. The Helix had been unusually quite mobile and massaged me to Super-Os and the great Super-T climax with her. She climbed out over...

I discovered the Aneros website just last week, so this weekend I haven't spent much time on anything besides obsessively reading up on the subject and having breaks for food, sleep and bathroom. Haven't left the house since Friday and it is now Monday noon. But let's start from the beginning of my end. In 1998, when I was 23, after having tried some lubed backdoor fingering, I got my first anal toy. This was a rod of thai jelly beads...

10/24/2009 3:20:35 PM Ten years ago I bought an Aneros. At the time, I believe they had only one model, what’s now called the “Classic.” I read the directions and experimented with it over a period of weeks, but I had no success. It was trouble to fool with, since you had preparation and clean-up time involved, and that had always steered me away from any kind of anal play, so I eventually left it in the nightstand drawer. Every couple...

I have had several sessions since my last post and my journey continues. Every session brings me something new. With the helix I am quickly aroused and start having strong Os. They draw me up into a ball and cause me to moan and yell. They build and build and before I know it I am chaining them togehter The pleasure increases, sometimes i am leaking a lot, sometime i am erect. Everything grows into the super O. When it...

well once through the long wknd ,and all the excess company has been here and gone agn.got out the newest toy ,the ice .well no bells ringing as yet .once the discomfort left ,sure did feel full so to say .tried the exercises some of the members mentioned .had a rather plesant full feelin but as i mention no bells a ringin or ? well early as yet ,shall try agn ...

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