well i don't seem to be progressing after adding hot glue to the tab of my mgx--i think i overdid it and added way more than i had with the candle--the contact spot is now higher and closer to my balls--will cut it back and try it that way tomorrow...

it seems that almost every time i lie down on my back now my prostate and/or anus demands my attention--it's as if they want an aneros session and are letting me know about it--especially when i lie on my back before sleep and breath deeply to get my nose/sinuses clear so i don't have to breath through my mouth, does it get the contractions going--great to know i'm rewiring my body but it sure makes it tough to get to...

tried my modified mgx again today and it still gets the heart rate and buzz going right away--haven't been able to keep the good feelings generated long enough to string anything out, no matter how much i try to relax--but i have noticed that whenever anything happens it always gets better or remains longer if i can relax my legs more than when it starts--i guess that i should start out with the contraction a bit higher so i will...

played with moving the p-tab to hit the sweet spot--thought it was up higher towards my balls where the tab couldn't reach, but before i went in that direction i tried the direction that everyone else has gone in and it was the right direction after all--added candle wax to the tab on the stem side and inserted it for a trial--wow--did it ever improve things!--heart began racing immediately and everything progressed at a faster clip then ever before--removed the...

well, i guess it's not so easy!--today's sessions, while not totally useless, were not an advance over yesterday's success--i had a few things to encourage me but not the advancement from yesterday's starting point--seems like i've taken a slight step backward--but i do think that my p-tab does not go far enough toward my balls to really hit my sweet spot--will seriously think about stretching it if it's not working where it is--there are plenty of threads about moving it...

WOW!!--getting there finally!--started off session on my back with a small wadded towel under my belt line, albolene and swiss navy silicone on my mgx--no arousal--this time i pulled the p-tab up away from my ass to get it as high as i could, stuffed as much of my scrotum as i could under the tab and also buried it deep into my sweet spot--i did the rocking like going upstairs and then put my legs down on the bed,...

well, it's not as easy as i thought that it would be--thought i had it cracked the other day but i'm still a long way from being there--still worth the effort though--tried the methods of fleshjoe and thicktop4u, pushing the p tab as far towards the anus as possible and rocking the hips like climbing the stairs as described--helped some but nothing that takes off by itself and keeps going--there are some promising feelings of about 5 or 10 seconds...

this is great--i now seem to be able to feel my prostate and stroke myself, hands off, while just sitting and watching tv--the sensations i get while contracting slightly are remarkably similar to those i get during my aneros sessions, centering around my prostate and making me aware of its presence, with a slight throbbing feeling there, it's quite nice --they are slightly arousing and surely worth the effort for the good feelings they generate--don't think they are making the...

boy!--everyone always said subtle was the word but i never guessed it would take such a subtle touch--i thought that the aneros movement would be felt as an in and out stroking movement, even if it were subtle, but to me, it is just a buzz in my ass hole around the massager--it doesn't feel like a movement but rather like a tickle--and i have to control it with my breathing because everything else is too gross a stimulation--it feels...

after the buzzing of the last session i knew what i was looking for at last--this time i discovered that when i pressed my hips down while flat on my back and using my breathing i could get the feeling-whatever it was- to shadow the breathing--to be in sync with the breathing---now i thought that i knew what i was looking for and had discovered the means to control it...

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