good session, much better than the last several sessions--trimmed back the hot glue and reshaped it--also prelubed before insertion, which i will have to do all the time--had some nice anal feelings with a lot of in and out of the mgx--quite pleasant--not too violent so i could enjoy them and not let them get out of control like when it darts without warning deep into my ass--had mostly anal but a few prostate feelings, the ones i like that...

i have been doing the last few sessions without prelube cause everything seemed to be going fine just before that, but then they slowed down, so yesterday i prelubed again--this is something i think i should do all the time no matter how well things are going--i got a lot more movement although nothing to sustain and nothing earth shaking--i will continue reshaping and repositioning the hot glue until i get back to where i was more than a week...

today's session with the mgx didn't go anywhere--took it out halfway and cut off some hot glue and relubed it--got a little better but i think the hot glue amount and location are not right--when it's hitting the right spot with the right amount of aggressiveness it's very obvious and this certainly is not right--nothing remotely resembling any waves or hot blips...

well i did the second session today , but with the helix--gave it 40 minutes but it was not too profitable--will have to shave off some hot glue from both messagers and try again tomorrow...

well, i was finally able to hold off having a session for a few days--funny though, i didn't have any echo sessions without the aneros even though i lay down several times each day and tried to feel the waves--i had some slight waves, but not long lasting nor large--it was completely the opposite of what i expected and had been experiencing--added some more hot glue to the mgx and helix but based on today's test with the mgx i...

The following four paragraphs set in quotes is a Forum post from April 15th. Increasingly I am, as I said in this post, "activated in the abdomen" almost all the time. It seems to be a form of continuous after effects or "echo effects". If I am not but feel like it anywhere, anytime, a silent Key Sounding, using the throat muscles but silently, or just imagining making the sound will instantly bring into the O-zone and the energies are...

Today I received my Peridise Anal PC Toy lubed up and started with the smaller of the two. The directions say not to force it in - to just put it in let your own body position where it wanted to be. Then it says to contract your sphincter muscles several times to advance the Peridise in to the anal canal. I lay there for a bit getting accustomed to how it felt and played around with different contracting and...

Today I started out by relaxing and massing my perineum after I inserted my Helix. I then tried several positions, such as on my stomach, on my knees, on my back with legs down, on my back with one leg up, on my back with both legs up, on my stomach with my ass in the air, etc.. Then I decided to go for a super-t, since I am familiar with "edging." When I felt I was ready to cum...

i know i said i'd wait several days for another session but i didn't--i wondered what the helix would be like after this progress with my mgx and so i tried it out--not too much happening so i decided to add some hot glue to the p-tab like on my mgx--well i tried it out at 2:40 this afternoon and it was better than in the morning without the glue--also tried the last 10 minutes with no massager and i...

OH BABY!!!--wow--what woke me up?--about 2 hours after i went to bed last night i was woken up by wave after wave of p-waves--at first i didn't know what i was doing but quickly saw what was happening and tried to prolong the experience--relaxation and letting it take me wherever it wanted was the answer--my prostate was warm then hot!--it stayed hot like that for more than 2 hrs as wave after wave of pleasure washed over it--no anal feelings...

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