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Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
WAS THAT ME? I’m still struck by the noises right out of my mouth. Never listened to such ecstatic cries mixed with laughter, moaning and sobbing, especially not from me. This afternoon was a great step forward on my journey. I learned a lot about... Read More....
11/12/2016 541
Hi guys, After I had two marvelous sessions that were just sixteen hours apart of each other, I decided to have a cessation of sessions for a couple days. Those couple days Election Day on Tuesday and the aftermath today. The election of the Republican... Read More....
11/10/2016 373
First I have to thank @GGringo and @goldenboy, i’m pleased for your comments, it is an enormous support for me and my journey to get your prompt feedback. Reflecting on your worthful comments often discloses some hidden secrets to me: As I typed my blog... Read More....
11/09/2016 541
Hi Folks, I’m still flabbergasted by my last night experience. Writing some comment about reaching a Super-O in the forum and almost meditating about this, hard trying to feel deeply inside me just to be able to tell about the feelings leading me there I... Read More....
11/08/2016 541
In the last weeks my doctor changed my anafranil dose to half, which could kick something in my sexual drive. I’ve tried having some sessions meanwhile with progasm ice, progasm jr, helix syn and maximus but nothing come out of it. The problem is that... Read More....
11/08/2016 507
Hi guys, I had an intense time at church yesterday morning which left me exhausted emotionally when I finally got home in the early afternoon. After changing into casual clothes and having lunch, I decided to relax some. I am so glad that the combative... Read More....
11/07/2016 373
So, Wednesday was my “day off” from the Helix Syn. I decided to try out the “Bendy Beads” anal toy I got at the same time as the Helix and had tried a couple times. It looked fun, but I’m liking it less, and now... Read More....
11/07/2016 560
Hi folks! Sorry, but once I had recovered from the flu and were back in my daily working routine, there was nearly no more time for other activities like training my prostate, even less for working on my blog. So, let’s jump back to the... Read More....
11/05/2016 541
Hi guys, Here is my first attempt at composing a blog post directly online at Aneros.com. As many of you who read my blog, the USA where I live is about four days away from election day, November 8 after a most contentious and strife-ridden... Read More....
11/05/2016 373
@BigGlansDC, in his blog hit the nail squarely on the head about being addicted or not to Aneros. For me, I am addicted, hooked, obsessed or whatever other adjective you want to use. I wake up in the middle of the night, usually with an... Read More....
11/05/2016 1477