Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Alrighty then, so begins my journey. I’m not much of a writer, I’m just blogging to document my experiences so please don’t expect much. I’m a 47 year old, married heterosexual male. I stumbled into the realm of Aneros by accident. I’ve been married for... Read More....
12/01/2016 626
(Please read first: Torn between two dominas (Part I – Shibby)) Since Shibby took over command I had to accept that she rules my sex life. Even going to work by car I listened to her voice and have had chairgasms all the way. I... Read More....
11/27/2016 541
Late this (last sunday) morning at the end of a session that drenched me into sweat my semen retention day counter was reset to zero. It was an Aless session, though. In addition it remained somehow Pless (prostate not taking an active part). I would... Read More....
11/27/2016 541
Hi guys, I am typing the blog entry in the 7 o’clock hour on Thanksgiving morning, 1.5 hours since the conclusion of my session which concluded at 6 a.m. Last night before going to bed around 11 p.m., I glanced at @Goldenboy’s blog entry of... Read More....
11/24/2016 373
Hi guys, We had bitterly cold and blustery weather Sunday and Monday this week, so I did have a session yesterday morning. Unfortunately Sunday morning at church I found myself having very unpleasant, political conversations which upset me. It had to the with the incoming... Read More....
11/22/2016 373
This is delayed blog entry. It refers to something I did last Thursday. On Thursdays, my wife goes to town for groceries and errands leaving me all to myself at home. While she is gone, I usually get on the couch and enjoy an hour-long... Read More....
11/15/2016 1477
Hi guys, After you start experiencing Super-O’s and MMO’s, your body and psyche develops a hunger for the Aneros. It could be Aneros horniness. Just about every session is good, and many are superb. After most sessions, you enter Aless which is exquisite, sweet, and... Read More....
11/15/2016 373
Yeah so that happend… In the last couple pf monthes i discoverd the benefits of edging and ive been practicing twice a day for 30 min or so. During this time ive discovered improved performance in the bedroom enhanced arousel and raised awareness to my... Read More....
11/13/2016 490
As I noted in my last post, I ordered the Peridise, and it arrived. I very briefly took it for a spin (the larger of the set that is) earlier in the week, but today (Saturday) was my first chance to give it an extended... Read More....
11/12/2016 560
Hi guys, I have never experienced anal intercourse. It is in many ways the quintessential sexual activity among gay men. But I am sure that the bisexual and even many straight men enjoy it too. I’ve heard that if done properly and with right intention... Read More....
11/12/2016 373