Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, I had three sessions so far this week for Tuesday, Wednesday, and this morning Thursday at sunrise. This morning I didn’t wear a jock and a cup for my session. I used in order, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. All three models performed... Read More....
04/06/2018 373
Hey! I want to make a blog, and so I am making one! Before I even knew about this blog function, I kind of blogged about my progress in here: https://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/148944-beginner-looking-for-help-and-the-real-user-guide If you really want to go back, I’d recommend peeking in that thread. Either... Read More....
04/04/2018 1106
Hi everyone, I am going to record what happened on my Aneros session on March 25,2018 since this is the first time I have used my ET in several months. Hopefully by documenting what I do will help me reach the Super 0. I was... Read More....
04/03/2018 1102
I received my new package at the beginning of the week and it included; MGX Trident, Helix Trident, Marksman Capsules and Sessions Lube. I’ll start of by saying that I think I prefer the helix shape over the MGX, but that being said, the k... Read More....
04/02/2018 1061
So I’m now on day 4, and I will say that things are progressing well. It’s sort of like re-wiring what’s already been re-wired. I had learned quite a lot over the past 4 years, but there was still that connection to traditional orgasm with... Read More....
04/02/2018 1092
So this initial 24 hours has been quite interesting. My first night with my chastity cup I can honestly say I didn’t get the best sleep. I woke up just about every hour, but I’m sure with time this will change as I get accustomed... Read More....
03/30/2018 1092
Hi guys, Last evening some hours before I went to bed, on Tumblr I saw an incredibly hot baseball player who was wearing an XL size Nutty Buddy Cup called the Mongo. It created an almost obscene cup bulge in his baseball pants. So last... Read More....
03/30/2018 373
This is my first blog. I am a newbe with only 6 months using an Aneros product. I wanted to document what happened on Tuesday in hopes that someone can help me understand what happened. Need some help trying to figure out what happen to... Read More....
03/29/2018 1102
So this is my first blog post. I’ve been an Aneros user for 4-5 years and have used the forum and chat intermittently, though never really in depth. So first things first, I would say that I have had a great deal of success with... Read More....
03/29/2018 1092
My last session was Sunday night, number five in four days so I’ve decided to take a total break on EVERYTHING prostate. No session, no Aless, nothing but the occasional edge session and this until at least Wednesday night. I want to hit the reset... Read More....
03/26/2018 1477