• Continue search for Super 0

    This session occurred on March 28 for 2 hours. I’m trying to build on my session of March 28. I basically used the same methodology – enema – prelub – inserting the ET and listening to Button pushing audio on you-tube. Then I started messaging…

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  • Back to Aneros

    Hi everyone, I am going to record what happened on my Aneros session on March 25,2018 since this is the first time I have used my ET in several months. Hopefully by documenting what I do will help me reach the Super 0. I was…

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  • New Adventure

    This is my first blog. I am a newbe with only 6 months using an Aneros product. I wanted to document what happened on Tuesday in hopes that someone can help me understand what happened. Need some help trying to figure out what happen to…

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