• Beginning Anew – Day 4: Progress

    So I’m now on day 4, and I will say that things are progressing well. It’s sort of like re-wiring what’s already been re-wired. I had learned quite a lot over the past 4 years, but there was still that connection to traditional orgasm with…

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  • Beginning Anew – Day 1: First Impressions and Take Aways

    So this initial 24 hours has been quite interesting. My first night with my chastity cup I can honestly say I didn’t get the best sleep. I woke up just about every hour, but I’m sure with time this will change as I get accustomed…

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  • Beginning Anew – The Start of Something Grander

    So this is my first blog post. I’ve been an Aneros user for 4-5 years and have used the forum and chat intermittently, though never really in depth. So first things first, I would say that I have had a great deal of success with…

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