Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
I had woken up with some pleasurable feelings in my prostate and started to encourage them, but decided that I needed sleep. I lubed up an popped in the Maximum and then lay back down to sleep. What followed for the next 5 hours until... Read More....
03/21/2019 1404
Since I have written a long blog post and got logged out before it could be posted (my fault), I’ll keep this post brief. Currently my sessions involve erotic audio (I find that soft sensual moans helps me to relax and drift into the right... Read More....
03/17/2019 1327
Last afternoon I lay on my couch and replaced my envision of touching my sweet spot right above my penis root and my perineum by forming a half of a cockring using my forefinger and my middlefinger. Inspired by the actual movies about action heroes... Read More....
03/15/2019 541
2019-03-11 Length: 125 min. Listened to 1st HypnAerosession MP3 for relaxation and contractions. Afterwards listened to about 20 minutes of 2nd MP3 attempting to relax. Unexpected difficulties due to frequent gas caused by taking enema about 30 minutes before session. Relaxation of any desirable length... Read More....
03/13/2019 1414
An introduction to myself and any progress I make with the Aneros. I am new to blogging in general and am still trying to figure out how to use this blog. I am 67 years old and weigh about 280. I have been diagnosed with... Read More....
03/11/2019 1414
Seem to be able to get to SO’s a LOT quicker and they are a LOT more intense lately. Still some lackluster sessions but today’s lackluster is last weeks awesome! The organic shortening has easily become my lube of choice. It doesn’t break down. Not... Read More....
03/10/2019 1274
The following is a copy of the Personal Message I tried to send to new Forum members prior to the switch to the new forum format. Unfortunately, I’m not able to track new members now so I’ll only be able to communicate this information sporadically.... Read More....
03/04/2019 1174
Morning. On chest with pillows under hips. Some lack-luster sessions lately. Don’t know what happened but just didn’t hit the usual highs. That changed today, big time! Had a bit of time this morning so I cleaned out, lubed up, and popped in the Progasm.... Read More....
03/03/2019 1274
This is not specifically talking about Aneros but it’s about my newly bought briefs It’s just a low-rise briefs that looks clean, minimalist and decent( Anything that purposely designed to be sexy in mind is not appeal to me, No offense ya.) The moment i... Read More....
03/03/2019 1259
Recently I have been having for me good sessions with both of my models. waves of pleasure with what i am now guessing where mini o’s if i had to label. The problem was when things really felt good i would let go and have... Read More....
03/02/2019 476