• Musings and Tempo

    Over the last 5 weeks away, I’ve been travelling overseas and, during that time, along the Aneros road, learning about my different friends, Helix, Maximus and MGX. Eupho got to hold the fort at home. It’s been a mind blowing road so far and although…

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  • 2:18 and I wanted more

    I had woken up with some pleasurable feelings in my prostate and started to encourage them, but decided that I needed sleep. I lubed up an popped in the Maximum and then lay back down to sleep. What followed for the next 5 hours until…

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  • Waking up

    A tingling in my groin woke me. It was pitch black in the room and I had no idea what time it was. I was lying on my back, legs together and very quickly, I started to feel waves of pleasure come over me as…

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  • Arrival of the Trident Eupho and Maximus

    As the postman was kind enough to deliver the new Eupho and Maximus, it would have been rude of me not to try them immediately. I didn’t have much time, but wanted to get a feel for how each behaved. I opted for the Eupho…

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  • The beast awakened and unleashed

    I went to bed last night at 9:30, as I needed to get up at 4:30. Having had an amazing 2.5 hour Aless session from 4am yesterday morning, followed by a 2 hour session with the Helix, culminating in a Super T, my prostate was…

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