Hi guys, For many months now, we have been regaled by @goldenboy's prolific blogs entries on Aneros, sex, jocks and cups, erotic dreams and waking fantasies, semen retention (SR), and male chastity which he lives out by wearing a jock and cup to bed. He calls athletic cups, "chastity" cups, a concept I find intriguing. I have been pondering and reflecting on male chastity for many months now. It seems that there are least two types of male chastity: (1) religious or...

Hi guys, I didn't have any Aneros sessions during our cold snap last Thursday through last Sunday. A polar air mass came barreling through. It felt like the dead of winter, not like the seasonable autumn warmth, Washington DC is known for. Early Monday morning just before sunrise, I used Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, and Progasm ICE. This session was a long, leisurely session which lasted about 1.25 hours during which I used the Tug-of-War technique of each of these models. I...

This blog entry is more for my future reference than anything else. Sometime in the future, I will be revisiting these notes and reminiscing on my journey's progress. Today, I must note how pleasurable my Aless sessions have become. It seems everyday (at least twice a day), my Aless sessions escalate to a new level sending me in total bliss but still without orgasms. I'm not shooting for an orgasm (no pun intended) but I do look forward...

I have been in this prostate journey for some years now an it's crazy that my body still finds ways to sexually surprise me. I like to make far in-between journey entrys to really show I'm being authentic. So I have a few toys but it has come to my attention that my A-less sessions be the most exciting as of late. Just now I'm laying here righting this spent an still gasping for air. I decided to read a...

Hi guys, Saturday, October 28: Many mornings recently I have been waking up with a most delicious prostate-anal tingle in my bunghole. That most masculine feeling is at the heart of my Aless these days. It is so wonderful to interact with this Aless with the Kegels, slow, gentle breathing, and at times, diddling my nipples, especially in bed at night. Usually I have Aneros sessions first thing in the most when both my body and mind are at their freshest. That condition...

When thinking about that awesome aless session on which I reported in my last post, I doubted the Eupho Syn was big enough to support comparable pleasures. So I ordered the Helix Syn, which has a bigger head and body why it should be able to trigger my prostate gland the harder way it seemed to be yearning for. On the second day I already unpacked my second Aneros tool. By the way, it's a little like unwrapping gifts, so...

Hi guys, Late this morning towards the noon hour, @Turnrow referred me to the delights of penis sensitivity for most boys in their hormonally laden puberty and adolescence. That was a highly evocative statement for me. Like most boys, when I entered puberty, I noticed my genitals enlarging along with growth spurts in my body and my first sprouting of my pubic hair. I noticed also delicious erections in my penis that wouldn't quit. But what did it for me was seeing...

Answering a recent post on the forum it came to my mind to share my morning routine in my blog, too. Perhaps one or the other would like to try my Qi Gong exercises, I fill up my body and soul energy with every morning. I learned them from a Qi Gong Master some years ago, but I forgot its name. It consists of five active parts followed by two very short meditations. 0) Stand upright, legs a little more than...

Hi guys, I had two very powerful and sweet Aneros sessions yesterday morning and this morning. I used my Aneros Full Court Press in the following order of Aneros models: Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. This is a minor rearrangement which seems to work better than previously. Helix Classic slips in easily and "hooks" around my prostate which prepares me better for the more rugged action of MGX. I have come to value very much how so well...

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