(Nicht jugendfrei - NSFW! Deutsche Version weiter unten im Text, German version below the English text) This morning I awoke by myself around 8 o'clock. Having gone to bed around 1 a.m. I had set my alarm clock at 9 a.m., but already felt well rested. I stretched out a little and lay myself on my right side. Without any obvious reason sudden involuntaries shook my whole body. My inner gland voice told me to lay down on my back and...

Hi guys, Now in the dog days of summer here in DC, I can walk about my apartment and sit naked at my PC if I so choose. Generally I do this when apartment building staff is not on duty or if there is not workmen in the building during normal work hours during the daytime Monday or Friday. However past 6 p.m. in the evening til 8 a.m. in the morning workdays and 24 hours on Saturdays and Sundays on...

Hi folks, I'm just back from an hour long visit to "my secret garden". And this time I was overwhelmed how transcendental this erotic hypnosis session has become since re-wiring seems to have been completed. After an hour of bliss I'm still feeling vibes of arousal spreading throughout my body, when only typing about that experience. Shibby's seductive female voice again teasingly led me to the very center of my personal sexual wishes where I met my deepest desires materializing...

It's been around 2 days since my first Super O, and every ten minutes or so since, I get a shooting sensation of gasmic bliss up my bum. It shoots from my prostate to my tummy, leaves a slight sensation of butterflies, like I've just gone over a small drop in a car. it lasts nano seconds each time. Are these (A-less) P waves?...

Hi guys, Early Thursday morning yesterday I had an extended session with Tempo which was actually a quantum leap. First I rode Tempo maybe fifteen to twenty minutes. It seemed that I was actually edging with Tempo. Ever since I pulled Tempo out of retirement last winter, I have used Tempo as a powerful accelerant which enables my other Aneros models to massage my prostate and anal musculature in more determined, powerful, yet pleasurable fashion. After riding Tempo, I went on to Progasm...

Hi guys, This morning I had a really wild session with Tempo, Progasm Classic, and Maximus, perhaps one of my best Aneros sessions ever! I began the session with Tempo which I have not ridden in a month or so. This morning I noticed that Tempo related very well with my nipples. Diddling of course revs up not only my prostate but also the autofuck action of my Aneros tools. Tempo is a unisexual Aneros which tones your anal musculature. However, this...

Hi guys, Since July 4 last week, I have had several sessions that were so powerful and pleasurable that are hard to explain. So after my session this morning, I will try to explain some of my recent Aneros and Aless experiences. This morning I had a session which lasted a good 1.25 hours with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic. Maximus has joined MGX and Helix Classic as Aneros models which start most of my sessions. I have worked with Maximus fairly intimately since...

Hi guys, It always wonderful to have an Aneros session on the Fourth of July. That is when my apartment building is perfectly quiet. No staff or workmen here today. They are away or with their families enjoying our national holiday. I use the expression "many happy returns" because our nation's birthday needs such well wishes especially now. It was on the morning of July 4, 2015 that I enjoyed my very first Super-O, albeit a mild one. It happened during a...

Hi guys, We in the mid Atlantic are having a weekend of excessive heat with highs in the mid to upper 90's. This heatwave will begin to abate on Tuesday. So this morning I have decided to stay home from church and view the worship service at the church web site. Most nights in bed I enjoy diddling my nipples which produces a sweet Aless which lulls me to sleep. However this morning my diddling made me ready for an Aneros session....

Hi guys, I had an amazing session earlier this morning with Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic. What prompted the session was a thread started by @techpump on the question of Progasm Junior and Progasm Classic: http://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/153982-progasm-vs-progasm-jr So I found my Progasm Junior which I hadn't used in way over a year and had a session with it and Progasm Classic. When I inserted Progasm Junior, it settled in on its own around my prostate real deep and grabbed it. It began auto-fuck action...

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