Hi guys, These days I have a hankering for daily Aneros sessions, at least Monday to Saturday, if I wish. But even I have an occasional short session late on Sunday afternoons after church as a great way to end the Sabbath! :-) Wednesday, November 2: Yesterday morning, I had another session with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE which lasted about an hour and was enjoyable. Now I allow my Aneros models to work for me! Hence I am amazed that every...

Hi guys, This past Sunday morning, I could tell that the upcoming general election for president and other national leaders was on everyone's mind at church because there was a somberness and surliness in the air. It wore me out. I was so glad to return home in the afternoon. I went to bed early last night to sleep off the exhaustion and actually had an unsettled sleep. Anyway I hankered for a session this morning, October 31. It lasted about an...

Hi guys, Friday October 28. I woke up fairly well rested at 4:15 a.m. this morning and listened to my walkman radio until 6 a.m. I bathed, shaved, and dressed for the day intending to have an off day with Aless. But I had that relentless Aless, that Aneros itch, that I had to satisfy. So I had a 45 minute session at 1:15 p.m. with MGX, Progasm ICE, and Maximus, that left me breathless. The relentless Aless began anew of this session, then...

Hi guys, These days I am enjoying my sessions more and more despite the arrival of genuine autumn cold. It is so good have heat from the radiators which facilitate my sessions now. When it is cold, I have my morning sessions when the boiler is running and churning out steam to our apartments during the 6-8 a.m. hours. This morning I had a session with Eupho Classic, MGX, and Progasm ICE which lasted about an hour or a little more. Eupho...

Hi guys, These days I am having sessions just about every day except mostly Sundays, but even a session on an occasional Sunday after after church is indeed a celebration. There is hardly a session that doesn't produce exquisite Aless, but my Aneros sessions of late are rather good to supremely excellent! This past Monday, October 24, I had an extraordinary meeting to attend in the morning in the church library. I arrived home mid afternoon exhausted and spent the rest of...

Hi there, as frustrating the experience with the Helix Syn was, as thankful I am for focusing on the mental side of my journey and the sudden and spontanous Aless moments coming up all through the day. Having caught a cold I was hindered from intense sessions with my both new tools, Eupho Syn and Helix Syn, as another session would have been too vigorous for me. Neverteheless curing the cold at home I had plenty of free time to listen to...

Hi guys, I didn't go to church Sunday morning, but stayed home for some much needed R&R which included an Aneros session and active connection with my Aless described below in this blog post. Yes, indeed Aless was on mind this morning. Those of you who have read my Aneros blog know of my intense jockstrap and athletic cup fetish. I nurtured my Aless by wearing a jock and cup underneath my jeans from 7:30 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. when I had...

Hi guys, Cold blustery weather finally arrived this morning after our few days of Indian summer which warranted my turning on my air conditioning for some hours Thursday noon to Friday morning. We did have a few hours of showers mid afternoon yesterday with it feeling noticeably cooler toward sunset last evening. I had to go to meeting at church this morning. When I arrived back home this afternoon, my apartment felt like a icebox. Management has not turned the heat yet!...

Hi guys, I am so grateful to have Aneros buddies like @goldenboy, @GGringo, and @brine who have cheered me on in my Aneros sessions in the last six months or so. Having such buddies makes me so glad that we are on an Aneros team, enjoying our sessions and saving Aless outside of sessions! Late last night I had an urge to masturbate. I think there is a consensus among Anerosers that Aneros sessions that produce sweet Aless also make a guy...

Hi guys, @goldenboy has inspired me to work actively with my Aless this evening. I had a great session this morning with Maximus and Progasm which gave me incredible Aless throughout today. @goldenboy speaks much about nipple stimulation in his Aneros blog entries. It is a practice that a you can adopt easily when you begin working Aneros. The Aneros is a potent key which opens erotic pleasures throughout your body through prostate stimulation by an Aneros device. Nipple stimulation actually enhances...

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