Hi guys, I am typing the blog entry in the 7 o'clock hour on Thanksgiving morning, 1.5 hours since the conclusion of my session which concluded at 6 a.m. Last night before going to bed around 11 p.m., I glanced at @Goldenboy's blog entry of a sexual session he had with an athletic cup. I think his session was a combination of his Aless with masturbation. I woke up around 3 a.m. and listened to both the BBC and an evangelical radio station...

Hi guys, We had bitterly cold and blustery weather Sunday and Monday this week, so I did have a session yesterday morning. Unfortunately Sunday morning at church I found myself having very unpleasant, political conversations which upset me. It had to the with the incoming Trump/Pence administration. Not only was it bitterly cold with winds howling outside, I was so agitated that I got only 2-3 hours sleep late Sunday/early Monday. I arose at my usual hour just before dawn yesterday morning...

Hi guys, After you start experiencing Super-O's and MMO's, your body and psyche develops a hunger for the Aneros. It could be Aneros horniness. Just about every session is good, and many are superb. After most sessions, you enter Aless which is exquisite, sweet, and powerful which preps you for the next session. Such has been my experience in recent months and certainly after that landmark session on September 14. Such was my intention yesterday morning when I prepped my usual models...

Hi guys, I have never experienced anal intercourse. It is in many ways the quintessential sexual activity among gay men. But I am sure that the bisexual and even many straight men enjoy it too. I've heard that if done properly and with right intention it produces a "connection" out of this world for men! However, in the real world of HIV/AIDS and other STD's, fucking among men without protection is very risky. I just wonder if an Aneros autofuck rivals or is...

Hi guys, After I had two marvelous sessions that were just sixteen hours apart of each other, I decided to have a cessation of sessions for a couple days. Those couple days Election Day on Tuesday and the aftermath today. The election of the Republican Trump/Pence brought jubilation to the majority who voted for him and dismay to the minority that voted for Hillary Clinton, such as myself. Fortunately I had an activity away from my apartment which nursed my profound...

Hi guys, I had an intense time at church yesterday morning which left me exhausted emotionally when I finally got home in the early afternoon. After changing into casual clothes and having lunch, I decided to relax some. I am so glad that the combative national election session is drawing to an end tomorrow with the election. So to release stress, I decided to have a session which began about 4 p.m. I used Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, and Progasm ICE....

Hi folks! Sorry, but once I had recovered from the flu and were back in my daily working routine, there was nearly no more time for other activities like training my prostate, even less for working on my blog. So, let's jump back to the present and to this wonderful saturday morning I had today. Despite the awful misty autumn weather outside with fog, darkness and continuous rain, I wouldn't swap this morning for anything. It was already nine o'clock...

Hi guys, Here is my first attempt at composing a blog post directly online at Aneros.com. As many of you who read my blog, the USA where I live is about four days away from election day, November 8 after a most contentious and strife-ridden election cycle, which began in earnest two years ago. This was fueled by divisive partisan politics and egged on by 24/7 news media! :-( As a way to sooth myself, for the last two weeks, I...

Hi guys, I do not want to say that I have become addicted to Aneros of late, but these days I have been having daily Aneros sessions. Generally they last at most 45 minutes to an hour. This morning I spent about 45 minutes with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, and Maximus, my good buddy with whom I jacked off yesterday morning in a Super-T. Eupho Classic and Helix Classic may be smaller Aneros models in comparison with the larger Maximus and Progasm...

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