Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
For various reasons I have not been able to update my blog over the past couple of weeks – and so much progress has been made. I’ll have to break it down into smaller entries. At the moment I find that a planned session feels... Read More....
09/04/2016 486
Hello Guys, well i`ve had my MGX for about 2 years now and after the odd session here and there I am only now able to feel the deep pleasure that prostate stimulation can give to us men….!!! Recently and after reading further about relaxing... Read More....
09/03/2016 491
Okay WOW. as i posted on the forum I recently read again the multi orgasmic man, actually its the first time that I read it after starting using the aneros. I decided to start edging again and this time it seems that I really got... Read More....
09/02/2016 490
I thought I would share some more of my experiences thus far. I have found the Wiki referred throughout this site, an extremely helpful guide and I would not have discovered this amazing wealth of pleasure without it, or the many posts on this site.... Read More....
I can only write a quick blog this morning as I’m pressed for time. I had a session Wednesday night and tried a different internal lube (inspired by @BigGlansDC). I injected 3/4 of a cc of Pure Virgin Olive Oil instead of my regular water-based... Read More....
08/27/2016 1477
Early on the journey to achieving Super-Os it’s very important to understand the concept of Aneros-driven “Natural Movement.” Massages can be given in a variety of ways but what’s common to every kind of massage is the repetitive cycle of pressure and release. One needs... Read More....
08/26/2016 489
We here embarked yesterday on yet another heatwave which should break next Friday. Arrgh! I woke up early this morning and listened to some radio programs on my walkman radio. I listen to this small radio on very low volume without disturbing neighboring apartments. I... Read More....
08/26/2016 373
I feel like a wet noodle while I am writing this. I can honestly say I just had my first MMO session. Three to be exact. First one was very mild dry O contractions, Second one more intense, leg trembling strong dry O contractions full... Read More....
08/26/2016 476
Hi guys, Like I said in yesterday’s blog post, I engaged with my Aless along with several sets of Kegels that felt more and more pleasurable as I continued to do them, along with sheer sexual power. This happened on a city bus on a... Read More....
08/25/2016 373
Having accepted the theory of evolution (anyone who hasn’t should at least try reading Darwin’s book), I’d like someone to answer me this, in evolutionary terms: – Why is prostate massage so fucking wonderful? For hours on end, with the Aneros in the end, the... Read More....
08/24/2016 1