Welcome to the new Aneros Blogs. If you are new to the Aneros Community, please register.
Why BLOG? A blog is a great way for you and other Aneros users to follow our progress with your Aneros. It is very interesting to see post by post how a fellow user discovers new things about his body along the journey to the Super Orgasm. A blog is an easy way to track this progression.
Hi guys, Last night we had a low of 64 here, so different from weeks of heat and humidity, when we have lows in the 70’s even low 80’s in high summer here. So I slept reasonably last night, but even if these days the... Read More....
08/24/2016 373
Hi guys, Boy, was I super sexed for this morning’s session! Yesterday, being Sunday, I pretty much from things with Aneros, except I was still savoring the very strong Aless achieving from Saturday afternoon’s session. I went to bed at the usual time just 10... Read More....
08/23/2016 373
Hi guys, I arose just before 6 this morning, Saturday July 19 and have been bating and edging for nearly 2.5 hours! Wow, I guess I am turning into a horny goat! Also during this period of time, I have been during “innumerable” sets of... Read More....
08/21/2016 373
Since my Progasm Ice arrived 10 days ago, I haven’t really slept that much. Every night, starting around 11:30, I have inserted the beast and tried for the Big O. I know I am not supposed to chase it, but I can’t help myself. Reading... Read More....
Hi guys, Early last evening near sunset I tried to have a bate and edging session around 6:30 p.m. But my sexual ardor flagged and so I laid down and took a nap. When I came to, it was already nearly past dusk. I looked... Read More....
08/19/2016 373
Did this on a whim really, was taking pics of my penis and got really turned on, had a headache to so thought it wouldnt go anywhere. Watching some aneros porn i found myself again having a really strong series of prostate orgasms and a... Read More....
08/18/2016 1550
Hi guys, The current heatwave of the past week or so is slowly loosening its grip. Yesterday I had a commitment which took me away from the apartment from early morning until 6:30 p.m. last evening. It felt like a sauna walking back to my... Read More....
08/18/2016 373
I had one session on 15/08 and then another 16/08. The first session resulted in very little feeling, however it acted in such a way to get my prostate ‘warmed up’ and was arousal building as was the slighty more successful session on 16/08. Decided... Read More....
08/17/2016 1550
I’m joining in the challenge for SR. I’m currently on day 3 after a failed Super-T attempt Saturday. Read More....
08/16/2016 1477
@GGringo and other guys reading this blog post, I am trying to open a new blog here in the Blog section of our web site. The title of this new blog is: “BigGlansDC’s Bating and Edging Sessions.” Somehow I cannot do this. @GGringo, @rumel has... Read More....
08/16/2016 373